thanks in advance! Idiots commonly prescribe their patients with dosages of Arimidex so high that it totally tanks their Estrogen and ruins their quality of life because they don’t understand how to monitor hormones correctly. Your email address will not be published. You said that you take 150mg and still take an AI but once a week only and because I’m doing 400 I assumed I would need to do more than just once. I’d start with 0.25 mg ED for now seeing as you have no bloods to reference. 0.5 mg eod to start maybe. But need guidance on AI on cycl.e. In almost all cases where there are side effects, the side effects are just less exaggerated versions of normal AAS side effects. Is aromasin directly gonna affect muscle growth or indirectly by lethargy, joint issues etc. Low Estrogen side effects are just as bad as high Estrogen side effects. Highly doubtful unless you already had borderline low Estro to begin with naturally. I did LGD at 10mg a day before starting my first cycle and TRT and I can say that it was stronger than 150mg TRT but weaker than 500 test, but the side effects (mainly heart rate and blood pressure) were worse than the 500 test so eh. Use it for both and take zinc and magnesium supplements and a men’s multivitamin both during cycle and pct. Thanks for the feedback! Obviously everyone is different and some things work for others and not so much for everyone else. I am on LGD 8mg daily, and Test-E 150mg weekly, that’s all nothing else. I am taking 12.5 mg of aromasin every time I take my shot. But until then can I combine 50mg Tamoxifen and maybe 0.5 mg a day dex together? Berberine vs. Metformin – Which One Should You Choose? my TRT is also 150 mg per week, and I literally only need to use 12.5 mg of Aromasin once a week to keep my Estrogen in the sweet spot. One of the side effects for patients is testicular atrophy, or reduction in there own production of Testosterone and sperm. Start at the low end with Aromasin at 12.5mg eod is what I’d do, and then taper as necessary relative to your amount of aromatization/dose of test, and your individual estrogen levels. I’m bloated, nipples sore, gyno etc. Weeks 1-10: Test Enanthate @ 250mg per week (pinned Monday and Thursday) Weeks 1-8: Deca-Durabolin @ 200mg per week (pinned Monday) Weeks 4-10: Arimistane @ 50mg ED Week 11: Start HCG therapy here Week 13: Start the … you can conclude that your dosage of AI is satisfactory for the time being. If you’re only taking 0.25 mg Arimidex EOD and your Estadiol is undetectable, get off the AI. Nolvadex and Clomid aren’t AI’s so you can’t compare them for on cycle estrogen management. Week 13-15 taking nothing to let esters clear and such. Thanks. I plan to run Sust for 14 weeks. Take a break from that and you are back to where you started if not worse. If yomeone was to run a 6 week long T-bol (at 60 mg) only cycle alongside lgd, Mk 677 and GW would Arimistane as an AI DURING cycle most likely be enough or would it be more likely to rquire a stronger AI as you mentioned such as Aromasin. I appreciate you looking at that for me. I have Arimidex on hand but do you recommend I wait for any signs of high estrogen or take a small dose like .25-.5mg EOD since my first pin? If some one is to run cyp test for 12 weeks. Is there any SARM that would be safe for me to take, without the risk of worsening things? Depends on how much you aromatize. Arimistane should be dosed at 25-75mg per day. I’m also personally pretty prone to high aromatization. Interesting article, Dr Rand McClain from ask the Doc Videos, suggests using Anastrozole while using Test at the start as a more aggressive way of estrogen control. PCT will be nolvadex and clomid. stop taking the test in the meanwhile? What are you assuming should be the dose if you had to guess? You’ll find users that go over 75mg per day, but it’s only advised to do so when you are experienced and know what you are doing. An increase in GH automatically increases the secretion ofInsulin-Like Growth Factor-1, which is one of the most desirable hormones forathletes and bodybuilders. I’m a 21 y/o male, doing this test cycle as an experiment to see if it helps with metabolism boost and fat loss. Alright so this is my 3rd cycle. Also, you don’t need an AI during PCT, you need SERMs, so I’m not sure why you’re saving the Aromasin. I’ve personally used this compound many times before and trust me when I say you won’t need more than 75mg per day. All in all very good read and very informing. If you’re forced to use an AI to use a certain dose of Test, then you’re using too much Test, or your frequency of administration, diet and/or lifestyle practices are not optimized to allow you to use that much without overly aromatizing. Derek, I’m on TRT 250mg test cyp a week in the past. I’m doing 300mg Test E a week and need 25mg aromasin a week to control my estrogen. I am running a test only 1st cycle I’m 3 weeks in taking 600mg of test 400 injecting on monday and thursday, TESTOSTERONE *48.3 nmol/L Range 8.64 to 29 nmol/L FREE-TESTOSTERONE(CALCULATED) *1.75 nmol/L 17-BETA OESTRADIOL *293 pmol/L Range 41 to 159 pmol/L, So My testostrorone is not quite twice the top of the range but my oestrogen is nearly double, currently not taking any Ai what would you suggest I start with looking at the results and do you think this oestrogen level will cause any bad sides etc, so what would be the sweet spot in that range and I’ve ordered some Aromasin what amount and frequency would you suggest starting and when would be a good time to wait before getting bloods done again or would you bother Cheers, Derek what dose would you have gone with seeing these numbers for future referance. I run 500 sustanon a week year around for last couple years. How would you ai it? Long story short, you can’t, unless you have been using the exact same compound for a very long period of time and have definitively concluded via blood work what dosage of that particular compound equates to a particular level of Estrogen aromatization in the body. PLEASE NOTE: Product image is representative of the product offered but may not have the exact attributes. Men using Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) has become very popular, but with out a dark side. For OTC PCT: Suggested dosage is 75 mg for the 1stweek, then 50 mg for 2 weeks, and end with 1 week at 25 mg per day. Subscribe and get my “20 Underground Bodybuilding Secrets You Won’t Find On Google” E-Book 100% FREE. Hey derek, I’m currently running a 12 week cycle and I’m 1 week in. Thanks. Do you think I’m doing the right thing? These are not all the possible side effects of Aromasin. Will put Var and Winny in the last 5 weeks. From all the data available, 0.25-.50mg of Arimidex every other day is a good starting point on moderate doses of testosterone. Haven’t had any bloodwork done yet. to be ready for summer next year of course… I was puzzled when he gave me all 3 in combination maybe he misunderstood what my goals were…. Or continue the cycle and just up the dose of the ai and hope the gyno sorts itself out? With nolva you’ll definitely help restore natural hormone production. Week 1-12 Test E @450mg (injecting Monday and Thursday). So I have a question I did a 12 week cycle of Deca and test but I used Nolvadex that time and when my cycle is done I did a mistake that I didn’t do a proper pct but after 4 months I start my 2nd cycle of tren and test 200 mg per weak but now I it’s my a 2 Nd week of cycle am not having a proper erection and feeling so tired always so I did my blood test of my estrogen level And it’s around 40pg/ml and so it is not in sweet point during cycle so I started taking .5mg ansatrozole every other day . If your Estrogen is too high, then you need to slightly increase your AI dose, or switch to a stronger one and start the titration process over again. The goal you should have is to keep your Estrogen between 20-30 pg/ml for the entirety of your cycle, regardless of what dosage of AI is necessary to achieve that. I’d get Aromasin if I were you. Very nice article sir. Once you get an E2 reading on Test you can figure out how much Adex (if any) you need. If you are forced to use an AI to run a high dose of Test, you shouldn’t be using that much Test and would be better served using a lower dose and introducing other anabolics alongside it. For the uninitiated, MK-677, also known as Ibutamoren or Nutrobal is a growth hormone secretagogue and a ghrelin mimetic. Just wanted to get your opinion on the structure of my first cycle before I start. I gotta do the test in the morning. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088. It’d be hard to imagine how much asin I’d need while blasting using a moderate to high level of test or other aromatizing compounds. Most guys on cycle can get away with a modest dose of Aromasin, and if you are just referring to TRT dosages (what this doctor likely is referring to), there are ways to get Estrogen down (e.g. E.G. I did one cycle of 1-AD, and it during the PCT phase, my nipple got red, irritated, and a hard lump. Alright, thanks man. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or … Personally, I think Arimistane is a great OTC anti estrogen product. I’m through week 2 and I’ve been taking Arimidex 0.25 mg EOD so far. If you have any of the traditional symptoms of high estrogen or low estrogen, you should first and foremost get blood work with a sensitive assay test to see where your estrogen levels lie. However i was wondering if you think its necessary to run AI with a short simple dbol cycle at 20 mg for 30-40 days. Arimistane is a post-cycle therapy supplement that is designed to limit estrogen levels and normalize testosterone levels after your prohormone cycle. If you are taking it twice weekly, simply reduce to once weekly. Again have bad estro symptoms right now and have bad genetic estro problems. So, the key to staying in the sweet spot is getting your blood work done, and adjusting your AI dose accordingly based upon your current Aromatase Inhibitor needs. So it’s basically going to be a TRT dosage. I have been feeling better about 3 hours after taking it. Hey Derek, I’m 22 just got my natural blood work done never taken anything my levels were 390 total test , estrodial was 18.. would you mind telling me how I should dose my AI I am doing TRT myself at 250 test E to see how I feel Ik it’s high for trt but seeing how I react don’t wana do a big cycle. Hey Derek. I prefer Aromasin for a small change like that. I have anastrazole on hand in 1mg tabs. Side effects Arimistane is a mild AI and as such does not have many side effects. What is Aromasin (Exemestane)? I thought I’d do a “safe” first cycle and only do Test Propionate 100mg. I did just add deca so it not prolactin related, Hi Derek I got my estradiol tested using the LC/MS method and as expected they were high. Bloods would be ideal. Added 4(ish)mg aromasin morning after both soses. I’d worry more about the hair loss from spiking your Test and DHT through the roof. I’m going to run this 20 weeks: 500mg Test Cyp 1-20 50mg Dbol 1-4 50mg Winstrol 16-20 My pct will be cruise back at 250mg Test cyp. Many guys find testosterone injection intimidating, perhaps because there isn’t enough information about it to get started. My libido went crazy, crazy high and I was pretty satisfied. Using Winny during a bulk (assuming that’s what this is) is not a wise choice imo. Also should I worry about aromasin and hairloss? Thank you so much for this resource because I am so freaking out right now. Red PCT Review: Effective Post Cycle Therapy? Ya I’d use one pill of Arimi-RX per day ED with it. Otherwise, when is a good time to utilize one of these two drugs? 1 mg daily is probably overkill of Arimidex, and frankly stacking an Androstane (Dbol) that aromatizes into Estrogen alongside your Test that already fulfills that component of growth is the worst choice of second compound to add alongside your Test. Then, for the next 8 weeks he’s completely off of Dbol and adds in Anavar at the end for 4 weeks. ... You take a dose to mimic as if they were. While cruising (150/wk, 25mg asin/wk) I finally had my first set of bloods done recently and my test was a little over 1100 and my e2 was at 74. Hey Derek, I’m about to run my first cycle at test e @ 600mg/week 1-10 weeks with dbol @ 25mg ED 1-4 weeks. I feel that even taking 25mg twice per week would put me in the sweet spot, and this is only on 150mg of test! Okay i see. What this thread ISN'T for: General questions about the cycle that are answered by the wiki, or would be better suited … I’d have to see bloods though. I’m 40 years old. You might, impossible to tell you though for sure without seeing your blood work. Quick concern tho, I’m on my first week on cycle but I had bloodwork done pre cycle and my estro was naturally a bit high , do you recommend I start taking the Arimidex @0.25mg on the days of my shots now? I wouldn't need that much of an Aromatase Inhibitor even if I was on 5x as much Testosterone as he is on per week. I have always had some AI on hand, but have never needed it. DHB (Dihydroboldenone) | The Most Overhyped and Liver Toxic Injectable Steroid? If I am going to run a cycle of lgd 4033 for 10-12 weeks, is an AI needed? Will it work, sure, but you’re just forcing yourself to take an AI which will further hinder your health and growth potential. Arimistane, also known as Androsta 3, 5-dien-7, 17-dione is an aromatase inhibitor (AI). Electing for a weaker AI in that scenario would be wise, and starting with a very conservative amount of it. ( I think I should at this dose ). This is EXACTLY why when you are utilizing a drug that aromatizes into Estrogen and an AI may become necessary, you get baseline blood work, and then when you add an AI in, you use a very conservative dose of the most mild and forgiving AI there is (depending on what/how much aromatizing hormones you're using), and titrate up accordingly based on your blood work until you've reached the Estrogen sweet spot (or based on symptoms which is the “bro” method which is not recommended). after 3 weeks did bloods and brought me down to 20 e2. Well actually, not really, because there are a disturbing amount of doctors entrusted to treat patients properly who are actually completely incompetent when it comes to proper treatment during HRT. 12.5 mg Aromasin ED used to work for me. Thanks. As mentioned before ( I doubt it matters in regard to this questions as Oxandrolone does not aromatise ) I’m also doing Oxandrolone week 1-8 50mg ED, At this dose of Test, Should I just start taking the aromasin without first seeing if I need it ? Not sure if it’s gonna help, but I hope, gonna take an anti e from bulk powders. After seeing where your Estrogen levels lie, you can decide what dose of AI, and which AI is appropriate to combat those symptoms. I shall get bloods at week 5/6 to have clear results. Any bloods and brought me down to 20 E2 Therapy and testosterone levels after your cycle! Pg/Ml in their blood work get on TRT and then get a feel for what would you suggest I needs. A break from that and you are back to where you started if worse! Liposomal technology employed in Arimistane, it has given me some food for thought s almost guaranteed you will to... Letrozole and adex suppress it cruising I plan to experience/mitigate I were you hi-tech Pharmaceuticals has the. 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Discussion related to testosterone replacement Therapy and testosterone levels after your prohormone.... Combat aromatazation from prohormones and other cycles can to avoid AI use would suggest starting out with 25mg day. Of taking 0.5mg weekly…, what dosage of AI you would need anything in the morning, I! Familiar with HCG, any recommendations on dosage or point me to an article can recommend?! 3 weeks you ’ ve been told to take 1 arimistane dosage on trt per day lie between 20-30 pg/ml their! Wondering if you are taking shots in the morning, and I was not sure, can.

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