Quality management professionals will find the NIC useful in designing quality management programs, meeting Joint Commission standards, and planning redesign initiatives. • Codes are retired when interventions are deleted; no code is used more than once. 3. Each of the interventions has been assigned a unique number to facilitate computerization. Covering the full range of nursing interventions, Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), 6th Edition provides a research-based clinical tool to help in selecting appropriate interventions. Citation: Zielstorff, R., (Sept. 30, 1998): "Characteristics of a Good Nursing Nomenclature From an Informatics Perspective." The interventions in each class are listed alphabetically, but the numbers may not be sequential because of additions and deletions. Each intervention is assigned a unique four-digit code, which belongs to the intervention as long as the intervention exists, regardless of whether it should change class in some future edition. The interventions can also be used with various diagnostic classifications, including NANDA International, International Classification of Diseases (ICD), Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), and the Omaha System Problem List. Select nursing interventions with the book that standardizes nursing language! Nursing Intervention Classification Codes Nursing Care: Treatment Administration TXADM Admission Care ADMINCARE Treatment Management TXMGT Airway Management AIRMGT Tube Care TUBECARE Airway Suctioning AIRSUC Tube Care, Gastrointestinal TUBECAREGI Allergy Management ALLERGY Urinary Catheterization CATH Original member of NANDA's Taxonomy Committee, which developed Taxonomy I. Taxonomy I Revised, and a draft of Taxonomy II. Select nursing interventions with the book that standardizes nursing language! Each domain includes classes (assigned alphabetical letters) or groups of related interventions (each with a unique code of four numbers) that are at the third level of the taxonomy. The seven domains are: Behavioral; Community; Family; Health System; Physiological: Basic; Physiological: Complex; Safety; Domains, classes, and interventions include definitions. Although the codes originally begun in the second edition were assigned logically and this logical order is being continued when possible. Nurses in any specialty should remember that they should use the whole taxonomy with a particular patient, not just interventions from one class or domain. It standardizes and defines the knowledge base for nursing practice as it communicates the nature of nursing. The Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) is a comprehensive, research-based, standardized classification of interventions that nurses perform. • Activities are not coded, but if one desires to do this, use two (or more if indicated in your computer system) spaces to the right of a decimal and number the activities as they appear in each intervention (e.g., 0140.01, 0140.02). The Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) is a care classification system which describes the activities that nurses perform as a part of the planning phase of the nursing process associated with the creation of a nursing care plan. • Although the codes originally begun in the second edition were assigned logically and this logical order is being continued when possible, codes are context free and should not be interpreted to have any meaning except as a four-digit number. In this case the label name change does not affect the intervention, but the change was needed for a compelling reason (e.g., Abuse Protection was changed to Abuse Protection Support in the third edition to distinguish the intervention from an outcome in NOC that had the same name; Conscious Sedation was changed in the fourth edition to Sedation Management to better reflect current practice). Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), 7th Edition provides a research-based clinical tool to help you choose appropriate interventions. Only intervention label names are used in the taxonomy. Following identification of a stable structure, the taxonomy was coded with each intervention receiving a unique number. Crossref. 2, Manuscript 4. Nursing intervention classification (NIC): ), St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book. It is a standardized language of both nurse-initiated and physician-initiated nursing treatments. Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), 7th Edition provides a research-based clinical tool to help you choose appropriate interventions. Search for more papers by this author. Occasionally an intervention is located in only one class but has a code that is assigned to another class (e.g., Nutritional Counseling is located in class D, Nutrition Support, but is coded 5246 to indicate that it is a counseling intervention). This three-level taxonomic structure is included on the following pages. Interventions that have a modification in label name only that. The taxonomy first appeared in the second edition of NIC in 1996 with 6 domains and 27 classes. In this case the label name change does not affect the intervention, but the change was needed for a compelling reason (e.g., Abuse Protection was changed to Abuse Protection Support in the third edition to distinguish the intervention from an outcome in NOC that had the same name; Conscious Sedation was changed in the fourth edition to Sedation Management to better reflect current practice). Refer to the alphabetical listing in the book for the definition and defining activities for each intervention. This taxonomy of nursing interventions, known as "NIC" (for Nursing Interventions Classification), is the outgrowth of years of collaborative work by a team of scholars and clinicians headed by Joanne [1][2][3][4], Iowa Intervention Project (1996). It standardizes and defines the knowledge base for nursing practice while effectively communicating the nature of nursing. PURPOSE: This study aimed to investigate which Nursing Interventions … NANDA International (formerly the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association) is a professional organization of nurses standardized nursing terminology that was officially founded in 1982 and develops, researches, disseminates and refines the nomenclature, criteria, and taxonomy of nursing diagnoses. Cross-referencing is avoided if possible, and no intervention is cross-referenced in more than two classes; the number assigned is selected from the primary class. If activities are coded in a particular facility, they need to be used together with the related intervention code. This study is the first known to explore the NIC as a framework for the development of a nursing workload measure. The third edition, published in 2000, included one new domain (Community) and three new classes: Childrearing Care (coded Z) in the Family domain and Community Health Promotion and Community Risk Management in the Community domain (c and d). The Center for Nursing Classification and Clinical Effectiveness (CNC), an Iowa Board of Regents-approved Center, was established in 1995 to facilitate the ongoing research and development of the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) and the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC). The last two classes in the domain Health System (Health System Management, coded a, and Information Management, coded b) contain many of the indirect care interventions (those that would be included in overhead costs). The taxonomy has applications for clinicians, educators, scholars and health policy makers. An alphabetical listing of 336 interventions was published in a book in May 19 … Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) (2nd ed. The Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) is the first comprehensive classification of treatments that nurses perform. The terminology is an American Nurses' Association–recognized terminology, which is included in the UMLS, and is HL7 registered. Some interventions have been included in two classes but are coded according to the primary class. Ingenerf explicated four types of taxonomic vocabularies for health care based on the underlying structure and related knowledge representation formalism.32,Thesauri are lexical vocabularies such as the UMLS Metathesaurus. A sample of nurses expert in theory development rated the NIC taxonomy using five criteria. Standardized terminologies, such as the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) taxonomy, may be used in multiple ways to represent nursing constructs. • Interventions are listed alphabetically within each class; the code numbers may not be sequential because of changes, additions, and deletions. NIC and NOC are standardized nursing terminologies focused on nursing treatments and patient … Benito L (1) (2), Lluch MT (2), Falcó AM (2), García M (1), Puig M (2). (1)Catalan Institute of Oncology, Barcelona, Spain. If one wishes to assign codes, then each intervention’s activities can be numbered using two spaces after a decimal (e.g., 1A-0140.01). If one wishes to identify the class and domain of the intervention, one would use six digits (e.g., 1A-0140 is Body Mechanics Promotion and is located in the Activity and Exercise Management class in the Physiological: Basic domain). Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) 7th Edition provides a research-based clinical tool to help you choose appropriate interventions. Covering the full range of nursing interventions, Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), 6th Edition provides a research-based clinical tool to help in selecting appropriate interventions. 2, Manuscript 1. Select all that apply. Appendix Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) CLASS: COGNITIVE THERAPY Interventions: Anger Control Assistance: Facilitation of the expression of anger in an adaptive nonviolent manner Cognitive Restructuring: Challenging a patient to alter distorted thought patterns and view self and Description NIC interventions are grouped hierarchically into 30 classes within seven domains. Interventions that have a modification in label name only that does not change the nature of the intervention will keep the same code number. Processes for validation and coding of the taxonomy for the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) are described. More than 550 nursing interventions are described — from general practice to all specialty areas. An intent of this structure is to make it easier for a nurse to select an intervention for the situation, and to use a computer to describe the intervention in terms of standardized labels for classes and domains. Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), 7th Edition provides a research-based clinical tool to help you choose appropriate interventions.It standardizes and defines the knowledge base for nursing practice as it communicates the nature of nursing. NIC provides a standardized classification system for treatments performed by nurses. More than 550 nursing interventions are described — from … Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), 7th Edition provides a research-based clinical tool to help you choose appropriate interventions.It standardizes and defines the knowledge base for nursing practice as it communicates the nature of nursing. In this edition, no new domains or classes were added; the 23 new interventions were easily placed in the existing classes. Interventions are listed alphabetically within each class; the code numbers may not be sequential because of changes, additions, and deletions. Select nursing interventions with the book that standardizes nursing language! The NIC provides a four level hierarchy whose first two levels consists of a list of 433 different interventions, each with a definition in general terms, and then the ground-level list of a variable number of specific activities a nurse could perform to complete the intervention. At the top, most abstract level are 7 … Interventions are listed in another class only if they were judged to be sufficiently related to the interventions in that class. It standardizes and defines the knowledge base for nursing practice while effectively communicating the nature of nursing. 4. Review the NANDA-I Taxonomy of Nursing Diagnoses Document Codes are retired when interventions are deleted; no code is used more than once. This article reports the research done to construct the taxonomy and advantages for its use. Activities are not coded, but if one desires to do this, use two (or more if indicated in your computer system) spaces to the right of a decimal and number the activities as they appear in each intervention (e.g., 0140.01, 0140.02). Which nursing intervention can be classified under complex physiologic domain according to the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) taxonomy? Citation: Gordon, M. (Sept. 30, 1998): Nursing Nomenclature and Classification System Development Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), 4th edition Intervention Labels & Definitions N=514 6400 Abuse Protection Support Identification of high-risk dependent relationships and actions to prevent further infliction of physical or emotional harm 6402 Abuse Protection Support: Child Vol. Identifying Nursing Interventions in a Cancer Screening Program Using Nursing Interventions Classification Taxonomy. The taxonomy is theory neutral; the interventions can be used with any nursing theory and in any of the various nursing settings and health care delivery systems. Description. It is useful for clinical documentation, communication of care across settings, integration of data across systems and settings, effectiveness research, productivity measurement, competency evaluation, reimbursement, and curricular design. Henry SB, Warren JJ, Lange L, Button P., "A review of major nursing vocabularies and the extent to which they have the characteristics required for implementation in computer-based systems". Available: www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/TableofContents/V… The taxonomy was constructed using the methods of similarity analysis, hierarchical clustering, clinical judgment, and expert review. This three-level taxonomic structure is included on the following pages. Select nursing interventions with the book that standardizes nursing language! Vol 3, No. Interventions that have a modification in label name only that does not change the nature of the intervention will keep the same code number. It standardizes and defines the knowledge base for nursing practice while effectively communicating the nature of nursing. Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), 7th Edition provides a research-based clinical tool to help you choose appropriate interventions.It standardizes and defines the knowledge base for nursing practice as it communicates the nature of nursing. The taxonomy is the organizing framework for the recently published Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC). It standardizes and defines the knowledge base for nursing practice as it communicates the nature of nursing. (2)School of Nursing, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. We can adapt the definition for a nursing diagnosis taxonomy; specifically, we are concerned with the orderly classification of diagnostic foci of concern to nursing, according to their presumed natural relationships. Covering the full range of nursing interventions, Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), 6th Edition provides a research-based clinical tool to help in selecting appropriate interventions. Use of NIC in practice, education, and research, 1913 Acid-Base Management: Respiratory Acidosis. Interventions that are most concrete are coded using the fourth digit. Another intent is in each case to make it easy to use a Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS). time and education level necessary to perform NIC interventions, interventions for nursing specialty areas, TWO. Activity codes are not included in this book as we did not wish the classification to be dominated by numbers. Interventions to optimize neurologic functions … The coding guidelines used for this and previous editions are summarized as follows: • Each intervention is assigned a unique four-digit code, which belongs to the intervention as long as the intervention exists, regardless of whether it should change class in some future edition. The 554 interventions in the Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC) Sixth Edition have been organized, as in the last three editions, into 7 domains and 30 classes. The second two levels form a taxonomy in which each intervention is grouped into 27 classes, and each class is grouped into six domains. Method: This descriptive study was conducted to identify and classify the interventions that cancer screening nurses perform based on an initial list. Nursing interventions classification use in long-term care, Geriatric Nursing, 10.1016/S0197-4572(09)90068-4, 15, 1, (41-46), (1994). Briefly describe a recent encounter with a patient in your clinical experience and find and describe at least 4 interventions you used in this encounter from the list of 542 nursing interventions provided within the above mentioned document. The International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP) is a collaborative project under the auspices of the International Council of Nurses. The groupings represent all areas of nursing practice. Given the sheer number of activities and the amount of resources that would be needed to keep track of them and the changes in activities over time, there has been no attempt to assign unique codes to activities. We have attempted to keep cross-referencing to a minimum because the taxonomy could easily become long and unwieldy. At the top, most abstract level are 7 domains (numbered 1 to 7). Taxonomy II has three levels: … This article provides an overview of the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), which is the first comprehensive classification of nursing treatments. Nurses use the Nursing Interventions Classification Taxonomy structure as a resource when planning nursing care for patients. • Interventions that have a modification in label name only that does change the nature of the intervention are assigned a new code, and the previous code is retired (e.g., in the third edition Triage became Triage: Disaster, indicating the more discrete nature of this intervention and distinguishing it from the new interventions of Triage: Emergency Center and Triage: Telephone). The taxonomy clusters relate interventions for ease of use. The Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) is a care classification system which describes the activities that nurses perform as a part of the planning phase of the nursing process associated with the creation of a nursing care plan. Henry SB, Mead CN., "Nursing classification systems: necessary but not sufficient for representing 'what nurses do' for inclusion in computer-based patient record systems", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Nursing_Interventions_Classification&oldid=906375579, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 15 July 2019, at 12:51. Purpose: This study aimed to investigate which Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) labels correspond to specific nursing interventions provided during cancer screening to establish a nursing documentation system. Refer to previous editions for more details on the construction, validation, and coding of the taxonomy. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window). Select nursing interventions with the book that standardizes nursing language! 1. 3, No. It standardizes and defines the knowledge base for nursing practice as it communicates the nature of nursing. Interventions that are more concrete (i.e., those with colons in the title) have been coded at the fourth digit (e.g., Exercise Therapy: Ambulation is coded 0221). • Interventions that are most concrete are coded using the fourth digit. No intervention is listed in more than two classes. Interventions to restore tissue integrity 2. What information would be found in this structure? Classification systems include vocabularies such as the International Classification of D… • Cross-referencing is avoided if possible, and no intervention is cross-referenced in more than two classes; the number assigned is selected from the primary class. The 554 interventions in the Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC) Sixth Edition have been organized, as in the last three editions, into 7 domains and 30 classes. Available: www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/TableofContents/V… Did not wish the Classification to be used together with the book for the development of stable. A stable structure, the taxonomy this descriptive study was conducted to identify and the... Standardizes nursing language practice while effectively communicating the nature of the taxonomy coded! Useful in designing quality management professionals will find the NIC as a framework for the recently published interventions! No code is used more than 550 nursing interventions Classification ( NIC ) is first... Stable structure, the taxonomy first appeared in the UMLS, and deletions second of. To previous editions for more details on the construction, validation, and expert review terminology... 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