Desertification Control Bulletin 17:1–7. Theorists who pursue this line of analysis generally arrive at one of two policy preferences: to increase privatization of common resources (land, water, forage, etc.) Describe the concept of Integrated Pest Management and how it applies to weed control. Range Science Department, Utah State University, Logan. Latitude, soil and local climates for the most part determine what kinds of plants grow in a particular grassland. This process, over a long period of time, created some of the most fertile areas in the world. Stebbing (1935) was among the first to define degrada-. One of the keys to this transition is new technologies, such as computer modeling and remote sensing, and the skill to use them. Describe the impact of defoliation on grass plants. It is difficult to say what "traditional" stocking rates might have been. The factors preventing establishment of such taller, woody vegetation are varied. Swift, J., and A. Maliki. For example, official figures for Inner Mongolia suggest that more than half of the grassland area of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR) is degraded and that almost one-fourth of this degraded land is "unusable." Discuss fertilizer management for mixed stands. The book gives its view on the Chinese approach to the study of grasslands and the relevance of this activity in China to global scientific concerns. Origin. This book brings together information on the contrasting characteristics, condition, present use and problems of the world's main natural grasslands. The New Conquest of Central Asia. List local, regional, and national sources of weed control information. Describe the processes of infection and nodulation in forage legumes. 1988. Distinguish between selective and non-selective herbicides and give an example of each. These studies cast doubt on the premise that pastoralism leads inevitably to the destruction of rangelands. On the other hand, Mace (1991) warns, "Sometimes we are so sure of something that we don't need to see the evidence. Leading Chinese scientists attribute the decline in China's grasslands to overgrazing and excessive cultivation of marginal areas and discuss measures to limit the damage. The line has been drawn by nature, for it distinguishes the lands that have sufficient moisture to support cultivation from those that do not. Estimate the amount of BNF that is contributed by various crops. The myth of the marching desert. Describe the current role of forages in US agriculture. Goldstein, M.C., C.M. Describe how knowledge of grass regrowth is beneficial to forage managers. This is the case, for example, where members of the group do not follow similar production strategies, where there are large wealth or status differentials, where group membership has few benefits, and especially where rules about resource use and management are unenforced or unenforceable. The most striking example of how the natural cycle of grasslands can be upset occurred in the early 1900's on the prairies of North America. Gorse, J.E., and D.R. Define forages and differentiate between forage types. Fourth Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Boulder, Colo., June 25–29, 1990. Barth, Fredrik. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of selecting mixtures. Yet if done properly, the introduction of modern ranching techniques to produce animals for sale to national markets could lead to stocking rates far above the level that can be sustained by traditional means. (1990a,b) review observational and modeling evidence to show that atmosphere boundary layer structure and the generation of local wind circulations as strong as sea breezes can occur over grasslands in the United States, when located between irrigated land and adjacent prairie. Other large minorities, such as the Hui in Gansu, Qinghai, and Ningxia, and the Uighurs in Xinjiang, are farmers or traders who practice animal husbandry as an adjunct to village-based agriculture. Wade (1974), Sinclair and Fryxell (1985) and other writers during the past 20 years attribute desertification in Africa to human activities. This is an academic book, packed with data tables, graphs, and citations, making it very suitable as a textbook. Our understanding of climate change, due to either natural or anthropogenic causes, can profit from further study of the response of landscape composition to perturbations in climate and the ways landscape affects changes in climate. Relocation of people and livestock may not be a viable solution for cultural reasons, … Locate and describe the temperate grasslands and their forages. Despite widespread awareness of and acute concern for the human impact on grasslands, research in China on grassland ecosystems has made little use of economics and none whatsoever of political science, sociology, anthropology, demography, history, or other disciplines that might help explain the relationship between man and nature. Scientists have long recognized that climate influences the vegetation species composition of landscape, but only in recent years have they begun to explore the feedback of landscape to local and regional weather and climate. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. Locate and describe the tropical grasslands and their forages. MyNAP members SAVE 10% off online. Whatever the reasons, fragmentation of scholarship along disciplinary and institutional lines remains a feature of grassland science in China and is evident in the findings of this study. On most soils there will be some initial problems with perennial weeds. This program is reminiscent of the mass poisoning of prairie dogs in the United States and may be similarly unwarranted. 1961. Jagchid, Sechin, and Van Jay Symons. In China, as elsewhere, the assumptions that herbivorous rodents and pikas (Ochotonidae) damage the grasslands and should be eradicated or at least controlled are apparently shared by scholars and policymakers alike. Swift. Problems and Prospects of Grassland Development: Policy Issues There are a range of government and non-government policies that affect grassland development around the world. systems. Grasslands and rangelands occupy approximately 70% of the world’s agricultural area (FAOSTAT 2013) with 68% of them are located in developing countries (Boval and Dixon, 2012). Dregne, and W.W. Newcombe. Landscape Ecology 4:133–155. grassland management, opportunities for alternative use of grassland biomass, role of local co-operation networks, involvement of munici-palities in planning of grassland management and grassland restora-tion practices. Demographic equilibrium among the pastoral peoples depended on slow, steady settlement, which drew off surplus population and kept a favorable balance between people and resources on the steppe. More than 200,000 Mongolian gazelles migrate between the eastern steppes of Mongolia and Inner Mongolia. These Best Management Practices (BMPs) should be used to guide habitat management on grassland habitat or habitat to be converted into grassland. Atushi Ushimaru, Kei Uchida and Takeshi Suka. This is a challenge that awaits grassland scientists in China and throughout the world. The concepts of irrational pastoral land use practices and resulting land degradation originated with Herskovitz's (1926) hypothesis that pastoralists accumulate vast numbers of livestock for reasons of social power and prestige. Journal of Range Management 41(6):450–459. Such an evaluation is critical not only to understanding local and regional climate and weather, but also as input into global circulation models. Practices in other parts of the world suggest that the economic return per hectare from some rangelands can be increased by using a mix of livestock and wildlife rather than livestock alone. Boundary Layer Meteorology 50:77–108. Such marginal rangelands could be devoted to protecting and in some instances managing wild ungulates on a sustained-yield basis. 43–54 in Low Input Sustainable Yield System: Implications for the World's Rangelands. 1990. Ellis, J.E., and D.M. Fire has also been used to extend the boundaries of grasslands by removing trees to allow more grass to grow. Fire alone is ineffective against smooth sumac because, while the aerial stems may be top-killed, the plant will resprout from root buds. Inner Asian Frontiers of China. - Grasslands of the Mediterranean Basin and the Middle East and their management / D. Ambarli, M. Vrahnakis, S. Burrascano, A. Naqinezhad and M. Pulido Fernández - Grasslands of Kazakhstan and Middle Asia: The Ecology, Conservation and Use of a Vast and Globally Important Area / Tatyana M. Bragina, Arkadiusz Nowak, Kim. The supremacy of the nomads was based on the mounted archer, who combined rapid mobility with formidable firepower. Of these, sheep and horses were most important, but most herders preferred to keep a variety of animals, in an effort to achieve security against sudden, catastrophic losses of any one species, and self-sufficiency by offering the widest range of animal products. Grassland ecology and management is for students excited about the study and management of private and public grasslands. de Haan, C. 1990. Such rules specify who has access to the resources and under what conditions, regulate access and levels of use, and provide for the resolution of conflicts and enforcement of sanctions. The introduction of firearms gradually rendered mounted warfare obsolete, whereas the railroad, iron plow, irrigation pump, and other modern agricultural devices paved the way for the expansion of land-hungry Chinese peasants north. Do you want to take a quick tour of the OpenBook's features? The members of this panel are encouraged by the fact that our Chinese colleagues are addressing these problems and seeking solutions to them. Regional estimates of heat and evaporation fluxes over non-homogeneous terrain. The cultural distinctness and geographical isolation of the nomads reinforced this interpretation. Hellden (1988) cites several definitions of "desertification" and finds that all include the notion of decreasing productivity leading to long-lasting, possibly irreversible desertlike conditions. 1991. As a result, manage- ... management problems for tallgrass and eastern grasslands, From the eighteenth century, when the French philosophes first took an interest in this subject, until the early 1900s, Western historians thought of this frontier as hard and absolute, dividing two self-contained, alien worlds. Weaver, and T.G.F. There has been in recent years a considerable reduction in the number, variety, and range of wild animals, especially large ungulates, in the area covered by this study. A grassland is a region where the average annual precipitation is great enough to … There is little doubt that domestic animals change the ecological character of the relatively small proportion of rangelands in which they are highly concentrated, but the reaction of rangeland vegetation to the abiotic environment is not well understood. National Research Council. Describe major types of irrigation systems in US forage production. 3(2):93–100. More research is needed, however, to provide an adequate understanding of these questions and a sounder basis for rangeland management practices. For more than two millennia, Chinese have been building fortifications (often misleadingly referred to as "The Great Wall") along a line that runs across Asia, marking the frontier between pastoral societies and practices in the north and settled agriculture in the south. Differentiate warm-season from cool-season legumes. Without disturbance, forbs and grasses are replaced by woody species in a process called succession, resulting in loss of habitat to many grassland wildlife species and a reduction in forage available to livestock. Steppe pastoralists and Han farmers engaged in significant, mutually beneficial trade of grain, metals, medicines, and luxury goods for livestock, furs, and other animal products. 1981. Provide the basic vocabulary for identifying legumes. Grassland plant communities are classified in the EU into seven main habitats according to EUNIS (2006): dry The Chinese are more advanced in the use of remote sensing, a technique that has helped to develop regional and global approaches to ecosystem science. Nowadays, it is impossi… Today more issues loom over the grasslands. For example, some of our Chinese colleagues point to figures that show an exponential growth in number of livestock in China as an explanation for degradation or even desertification of the grasslands. Discuss forages from a livestock perspective. The Perilous Frontier: Nomadic Empires and China. Although accepting the essential differences between pastoral and agrarian peoples, Lattimore (1940) was the first to draw attention to the importance of interactions between these ways of life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pastoralists also cultivated relations with settled agrarian communities, exchanging wool, meat, milk products, and hides for grain, cloth, tea, and manufactured goods. 1989. As recent research in western Tibet has shown, the assertion that pastures are overstocked may be due to new accounting procedures rather than actual increases in herd size (Goldstein and Beall, 1989). They know that ecosystem science in the West has developed conceptual frameworks, methodologies, and techniques that take account of this complexity, and they want to learn and apply these approaches to the study of natural resources in China. In the United States, cheatgrass can overwhelm former areas of native grasslands. Pp. Farmers and ranchers use grasslands to graze animals such as cattle and sheep. Discuss the possible future role of forages in the US. The tragedy of the commons. Tucker. ''The entire horizon appeared to be a moving line of yellow bodies and curving necks,'' wrote Andrews. The study of grasslands in China as elsewhere must take account of wild as well as domesticated animals and of the importance of preserving the grasslands not only as an economic resource, but also as a natural reserve. Grasslands occur in environments conducive to the growth of this plant cover but not to that of taller plants, particularly trees and shrubs. Canadian Journal of Zoology 63:987–994. Describe several ways in which weeds cause forage crop and animal production losses. In North America, attention has focused on the Great Plains, particularly during the droughts of the 1930s. Combatting Desertification and Rehabilitating Degraded Population Systems in Northern Kenya. Tucker, C.J., H.E. The belief that pastoral livestock management is irrational and inherently destructive has a long history and has been widely accepted by scholars and officials in the international development community (Sandford, 1983). Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action. Stability of African pastoral ecosystems: Alternate paradigms and implications for development. It is induced by the variability of the eco-logical conditions (soil, climate), species composition, use, management system and performances. Today, the farmer reigns supreme in northern China; the spread of. National Grasslands Management Review Action Plan (May 1996). When the Chinese of the Ming (1368–1644) retook their country, they erected a state apparatus along lines inherited from the Mongols and enrolled thousands of Mongols in their armies and civil service. During the Qing Dynasty (1644–1911), Han farmers were forbidden to settle in the northern grasslands, a region the ruling Manchus sought to preserve for other minority peoples who were their natural allies. Long-term research on extensively used rangelands is required to explain the interactive effects of grazing, weather, fire, and fire suppression. Sinclair, A.R.E., and J.M. Corallis, OR 97331-3002Contact Us, Instructor Materials: Assessments: Prerequisite Test. The social dimension of grassland ecosystems should be an integral part of any analysis. Discuss the methods and timing of seeding. Wade, N. 1974. World Bank, Washington, D.C. Hardin, G. 1968. Degradation also refers to decreases in productivity or to unfavorable changes in species composition, but generally indicates that these changes are less severe or long-lasting. Now, for the first time, the dominant issue has become the human impact on the environment and the degree to which that impact can be limited, directed, or controlled. Sahelian drought: No victory for Western aid. Define sustainable agriculture and discuss how forages are a key component. Because pastoralism is a risky business in which animals quickly gained can be just as quickly lost to bad weather, disease, or theft, large numbers of animals act as insurance against disaster. The proportion of each species within a herd normally reflected the constraints imposed by local ecological conditions: more cattle in wetter regions, more goats than sheep in marginal pastures, more camels along desert margins and yaks in the highlands. Hellden, U. Finally, analysis of the sociology of pastoralism must rest on a careful treatment of statistics. Influence of landscape structure on local and regional climate. Switch between the Original Pages, where you can read the report as it appeared in print, and Text Pages for the web version, where you can highlight and search the text. The reduction in the number of ungulates in China, as well as such predators as wolf and snow leopard, has been the result of several factors. Share a link to this book page on your preferred social network or via email. Expansion and contraction of the Sahara desert from 1980 to 1990. 1988. Social, economic and environmental factors Often the problems of grasslands and their users are more socio-economic than technical. 1987. Summarize the distinctive physical characteristics of grasses. National Grasslands Management 13 Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About National Grasslands Management 25 Summaiy 48 Appendices Report of the National Grasslands Management Review Team (Dec. 1995). Define and describe the natural grasslands of the world. Cincotta. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of pasture renovation. At the same time, the members of the panel would like to advance the dialogue with their Chinese colleagues by commenting on some of the key issues raised in the preceding chapters, including how these issues have been treated in China and abroad, and what this means for the challenge that grassland science and scientists inside and outside China face in the years ahead. 1985. Desert encroachment. Fryxell. Compare and contrast the types of storage and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each. Benefits of regular septic pumping service will help to identify potential problems that could be lurking under the surface (literally). Five Essays on the Study of Pastoralists and Development of Pastoralism. Without checking the figures or measuring the effect of heavier stocking rates, it is impossible to confirm or refute such claims, but the panel believes that these statistics should be reexamined in their historical context. Report on the desert encroachment reconnaissance in northern Sudan: 21 October to 10 November 1975. Low level weed populations may be spot sprayed with a herbicide, or pulled (eg ragwort). These models perform a synthetic function, enabling scientists from different disciplines to address common problems, and for this reason, they have been central to the evolution of contemporary ecosystem science. Ideally, such research should be carried out through collaboration between natural and social scientists, using methods that give a prominent place to the perceptions and capabilities of pastureland users themselves. List and discuss factors that affect the quantity of nitrogen fixed. Discuss the purpose for mechanically harvested forages. The cattle complex in East Africa. ion as a process of change in ecosystems toward more arid states. Sandford, S. 1983. How would sustainably managed grasslands operate and what we need to do? Barfield, Thomas. Mongolia, for example, has attempted to manage gazelles by protecting and harvesting a certain number each year for the European luxury meat market—a program that suffers in part because the gazelles migrate seasonally into China where they are slaughtered indiscriminately. There is no doubt among Chinese scientists and government officials that some rangelands of northern China are being overused and degraded. Lattimore, Owen. But...such a view may be seriously flawed.". Define the utilization of legumes in forage-livestock systems. Discuss the steps in seedbed preparation. For thousands of years, humans have played a key role in the grassland ecosystems of China. Similarly, research on these questions as they relate to the Chinese grasslands can add to the general theory and to our understanding of its practical application. so that both costs and benefits accrue to the same owner/decision maker; alternatively, to expand the regulatory powers of natural resource bureaucracies, enabling them to enforce scientifically determined stocking levels. While it is impossible to cover all possible scenarios related to tree management in grasslands in a single article, the primary message for grassland owners and managers is that early control of volunteer woody species is the simplest and most cost-effective option for maintaining open grassland habitats. In this situation, individual producers may find it rational to ignore the rules, which result in a tragedy of the commons. The fate of wildlife on the grasslands of China gives cause for concern. (1991) reported that analysis of satellite imagery suggests that the Sahara experiences massive between-year changes and may actually have shrunk since 1984. More recently, Barfield (1989), Jagchid and Symons (1989), and Waldron (1990) have portrayed China's inner Asian frontier historically as the site of contact, influence, and change in both directions. During winter, of course, this area would be dormant. However, analyzing the same area by using remotely sensed data for the period 1962–1979, Hellden (1988) concluded that the desert boundary had not moved at all. The decline of wild animals was particularly sharp during the Great Leap Forward (1958–1960), when agricultural production dropped and many animals were slaughtered for food, and during the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976), when conservation directives were generally ignored. 109 Crop Science Building Determine limitations to forage selection. Describe the five general categories of weed control methods. They find many pastoral strategies perfectly rational, given the circumstances facing the herders in question (Helland, 1980; Sandford, 1983; Swift and Maliki, 1984; Ellis and Swift, 1988; Goldstein et al., 1990; Mace, 1991). Not a MyNAP member yet? Forse, B. The debate over changes in arid and semiarid lands revolves around questions of the causes of these changes, particularly the relative importance of natural versus human factors; their duration; whether they are temporary or irreversible; and what, if anything, can or should be done about the problem. Influence of vegetation on the water and heat distribution over mesoscale sized areas. Must begin with research than technical, while the aerial stems may be unwarranted! In mechanically harvesting and storing forages you know about new publications in your areas of gives! ( 1990 ) and explain its importance the possible future role of in... 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