3 for automatic water quality monitoring sensors. The Arduino Uno has 14 digital input/output pins (of … Amar Pawade. It connects to the Arduino hardware to upload programs and communicate with them. The theft of electricity increases the costs paid by customers. Once the backpack is above a certain distance, the buzzer sounds and does not stop until the device is turned off. 1 POWER THEFT DETECTION Presented By : Aravind Shaji Roll N0 : 03 Reg No : 13035127 EEE - E5 ,GPTC Nattakom. GSM modem with a SIM card used here uses for the communication technique. This project is designed with a GSM modem which is used to send an SMS to the vehicle owner regarding the fuel theft. This is a home security system using PIR sensor, gsm sensor with SMS alert. More About sachin0987 » This is basically an intruder alarm or an anti theft alarm. So this project is all about building an anti theft alarm or an intruder alarm using Arduino and PIR sensor. SMART ENVIORNMENT USING IoT PRESENTED BY COORDINATED BY GUIDED BY AKSHARASASIDHARAN KRISHNA RAJ SENTHIL NIVAS ARDRA MS AYSHA S KABEER NEETHU A COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,KOTTARAKKARA. The coordinator compares the auxiliary meter reading and the sum of other meter readings to make a conclusion. 2. Code for Transmitter Part i.e. Power Theft Detection 1. This implied that their study could only apply when there is eye focus to the LCD screen. manansh: hey guys , i have created a sms based anti theft system using gsm shield on a cycle .whenever the cycle detects a human touch it sends a sms to the user.besides there is also a mpu 6050 that detects motion using accelerometer and gyroscope.i have also added a flashlight for light use controlled with a button .i have completely written the code on my own without any help . Objectives of the PIR Sensor Alarm using Arduino. It comprises all the devices needed to support microcontroller. The system can be installed or hidden in your vehicle. 3. and Microsoft Access is used as the database provider. It measures the current, Voltage & Power has been calculated. Vehicle Theft Detection with Remote Engine Locking using GPS,GSM, 21. Laboratory Model helicopter control using a lowcost Arduino Harware 16.Low-Cost Speaker and Language Recognition Systems Running on a Raspberry Pi 17. By using Arduino we can detect the knock in the engines and can prevent the vehicle from damage. For energy theft detection stage the transformers which have evidence of energy theft is detected using three phase state estimator based on phasor measurement units. Arduino features, capable of compiling To program a PIC controller to detect a power theft . PROBLEM STATEMENT Drunken driving is considered as one of the major reason Energy theft is a very common problem in countries like India where consumers of energy are increasing consistently as the population increases. February 25, 2020 ... vehicle theft detection using arduino pdf ... research/writing jobs, proofreading, student project corrections, seminars papers, PowerPoint presentations, Thesis, business plan, and project management. VEHICLE THEFT DETECTION BY GSM, 18. POWER THEFT IDENTIFICATION AND LOCATION DETECTION USING GSM 1 BY D.VENKATESH (09K81A0214) G.RADHA KRISHNA (09K81A0220) MOHD.SHAKIR (09K81A0239) U.SHRAVAN KUMAR (09K81A0258) 2. An electric meter is a device used … Bhushan Chowdhri. Hi guys! Download. GSM Home Security Alarm System with Arduino. loaded. Power theft can be defined as the usage of the. Remote Control Of Power Thefting, Using PLC’s POWER THEFT DETECTION 2. Hardware Design . Advantages of Anti-theft identification system: 1) This project is easy to use. Energy Theft Detection Use of auxiliary meters allows us to detect the energy theft. PIR sensor identifies infra red radiations emitted by any object under its radar range. GPS is sends the coordinates continuously in form of string. This is an Idea about how electricity theft can be Identified and thus can be minimized using … Electrical power theft detection system is used to detect an unauthorized tapping on distribution lines. Implementation area of this system is a distribution network of electrical power supply system. Existing system is not able to identify the exact location of tapping. This system actually finds out on which electrical line there is a tapping. (4) A monitoring system can only monitor the operation state or guard against steal the power, and is not able to monitor … Automatic Anti Theft Alarm and Alert System Using Arduino & GSM Module : This is basically an intruder alarm or an anti theft alarm. 1. Hardware :1. Arduino Uno/Nano2.PIR Sensor3.LCD (Optional) 4.Transistor (2N2222)5.Resistances 6.Button7.Connecting Wires 8.Buzzer Software :1. Ar... Accident is increasing due to increase in number of vehicles as a result every year the number of death is increasing. automatic detection system by image processing [8]. 3. Find the attached .ino file and burn it on Arduino by using Arduino IDE .Here pin 9 and 10 is used as a Rx and Tx .So for this Software.h Librar... In this method we are using Arduino because it is energy efficient i.e. GIAP Journals. Using variable resistor VR1 you can set the detection sensitivity. This project deals with the design & development of a theft control system for home, which is being used to prevent/control any theft attempt. / Archives for iot theft detection using raspberry pi ppt. Power tapping can be detected by comparing the power distributed to the line and the power actually consumed by the load. I. So, we have to write code for both Arduino and NodeMCU for transmitting and receiving. will be on techniques and methods for object detection. land mine detection . 3. Their study visual signal, no sound or recorded signal. Main component of the underground cable fault detection circuit is low value resistance measurement. In this paper they describe about body area sensing, alcohol detection craving [9]. 1. #9 Nwaniba Road, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. If someone turns the 2nd load that resembles the power theft, so that power obviously increases, if so it automatically shutdowns the complete supply and intimates the Electricity department that power theft has been occurred and also it posts in the electricity web server. Leak Detection System using Arduino. Using this functionality user will able to pay in advance and use the exact amount of energy. Solar Water Pumping System for Irrigation uses solar power to pump water from a bore well to a tank. electrical power without any contract with the supplier. Intelligent Power Theft Detection Model for Prepaid Energy Metering 45. The IOT based energy meter is based on Arduino. 1 Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sr ee nivasa Institute of Techn ology and Arduino Burglar Alarm – is an intruder alert system using PIR sensor and Arduino. 2: Arduino module based on Mega 2560. on following flow chart as shown in fig 5.1 . Displays status of system on LCD. Stop the alarm when reset switch is pressed. IOT Theft Detection Using Raspberry Pi, 72. Power Theft Detection: Digital energy meter (M1) will measure a consumed power by load (L1) over a period. Usually, the input level at pin 2 of Arduino is at a logic-low level. AT89S52 is the heart of the system, which is a low-power high performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 8K bytes of downloadable flash programmable and erasable read only memory [11]. This project would turn ON a buzzer and would also send data over IOT to a website whenever someone is trying to steal fuel from any vehicle. The main components of the IOT and Arduino based vehicle fuel theft detection project are a sensor, microcontroller, and IOT module. [2] [3]. It will send a data in proportion with consumed power to receiver with the help of wireless digital data transmitter. The hardware of the automatic meter reding and a theft control system by using GSM module our project at designing such a system which will automatically collect the reading and also detect the theft. In our paper we discuss about the alcohol detection system for vehicle using alcohol sensor MQ3 and buzzer using Arduino. Resistor R2 is the pull-down component. It is constructed using a constant current source of 100mAmps. Simulation of GSM Based Power Theft Detection Using Proteus @article{Sekhar2018SimulationOG, title={Simulation of GSM Based Power Theft Detection Using Proteus}, author={V. S. Sekhar and R. Puviarasi}, journal={2018 Fourth International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio … This project is used in cars, bikes, etc. smart refrigerator . pedestrian crossing road using technology . Here are some of the ideas for final year projects . Electricity Theft Detection Semd request mail for synopsis- [email protected] Electricity theft detection Project Kit available for Engineering students One Ready project + one Training kit +Synopsis + report= 3000. Gas Leakage Detection using Arduino – is a very interesting project to detect LPG leak or the presence of other types of gases like hydrogen, CO etc. The Accident Detection and Alert System using Arduino is very sufficient and worthy to be implemented in the vehicle specially in developing country like Nepal, India, Bangladesh etc. designed using Visual Basic 6.0. RF and GSM based wireless. That means local overheating, arcing, decom-position of oil and release of gas. - 1 x Detect the heartbeat module KY-039 - 1 x Reed module KY-025 ... Operation of this module cannot be demonstrated by using multimeter (too slow) KY-031 knock/tap switch Pin “-” : onnect to Arduino GND ... For example “Power is ON”; Serial communication is going on . The backpack anti-theft alarm is powered by an ATtiny85 and functions using an ultrasonic range sensor (HC-SR04) to calculate distance from the backpack to the ground and a 5V buzzer to produce an alarm. Since it consumes small of power in its operation, thus it is said able to communicate with any low power consumption microcontroller. As soon as the theft/ motion is detected in front of the camera. Activate the buzzer alarm upon detection of burglar/intruder – Alarm should sound until Reset switch is pressed. CONTENTS: About NSIC Introduction Block Diagram Components Working … detecting the ATM machine at real-time when it has been stolen can be found through GSM technology. India, the largest democracy with an estimated population of about 1.04 billion, is on a road to rapid growth in economy. Controlling of Electricity Theft Using Smart Prepaid Energy Meter 44. medicine dispensing device . Since sensor has fine sensitivity range using Arduino. Abstract: Electricity plays a cardinal role in day to day life. @ARTICLE{ZZheng:TII2018, author={Z. Zheng and Y. Yang and X. Niu and H. Dai and Y. Zhou}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics}, title={Wide and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Electricity-Theft Detection to Secure Smart Grids}, year={2018}, volume={14}, number={4}, pages={1606-1615}, keywords={data analysis;load flow;neural nets;power consumption;power … The advantage of using the IOT and Arduino based vehicle fuel theft detection system is that the thieves can be caught and any further thefts from them can be avoided. Automatic Meter Readi ng (AMR) is a very important application in these possibilities due to every use r connected each other via modems, using power … Smart transformer measure the total power VEHICLE STARTING SYSTEM USING FINGER PRINT Dr.V.Nandagopal 1 Dr.V.Maheswari C.Kannan 2 1 Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India . I designed the circuit in proteus and managed to get the code, however the system cannot detect and display the fault. 3. Author: Microsoft account Created Date: 3/29/2018 2:01:35 PM The outlet valve of the tank is automatically regulated using Arduino UNO, GSM, and moisture sensors to control the flow rate of water from the tank to the irrigation field which optimizes the use of water. Shaikh Nadeem. Fig. Arduino is an open-source, prototyping platform and its simplicity makes it ideal for hobbyists to use as well as professionals. is illegal and should be strictly prohibited. Arduino programs are written in C or C++. Low Cost This project is very useful for Monitoring home security In this project GSM Modem, PIR Sensor, 16x2 LCD and Arduino are main parts. Arduino-based vehicle tracking system using global positioning system (GPS) and global system using GSM modules. 1. A … The Arduino home security system is best for SMS notification. It can be modified to the gsm based SMS alert fire alarm system using Arduino. India's share with global energy demand will rise to 9% by 2035. Power Theft Detection Seminar Report pdf. The block diagram of this protection system with all their essential components is shown in figure 1. 3: An actual-size, single-side PCB for Arduino-based shadow alarm Fig. for Arduino Uno: Complete Arduino code is given at the end of this tutorial. Fig. Face detection is the important part of this project will be done using Open CV. INTRODUCTION 2 India, the largest democracy with an estimated population of about 1.04 billion, is on a road to rapid growth in economy. Keywords: Drowsiness detection, Alcohol intoxication, face recognition, finger print authentication Raspberry pi, Open CV, Arduino UNO and GSM. Hence this system is used for the detection of theft. Fuel theft in parked vehicles is increasing day by day these days. In this project we are using buzzer to give signal for corresponding bank and police station. (3) Timely detection data will not be sent to monitoring centers in time, which can not judge distribution transformers three-phase equilibrium. IEEE Projects for EEE Final Year Projects – 2018. A. INTRODUCTION 1.6.5 software is utilized to program Arduino A detecting component could be a gadget/module that identifies and answer a type of contribution from the physical setting. So this project is used to overcome this situation. Receiver on the pole system will receive a data sent by transmitter in a load side meter. IoT based Kids/People trackers Using wearable for child safety, 73. Hence, this project work is divided into two units i.e. Arduino Based Moving Message Display Using Bluetooth | Scrolling Display using P10 + Arduino, 41. rain detector circuit using pic microcontroller , In this tutorial, you will learn how to interface rain drop sensor or rain detector circuit with pic16F877A microcontroller. Smart energy metering and power theft control using arduino & GSM. 2. IoT Based Power theft detection system. Vehicle Theft Detection and Tracking Based on GSM and GPS – LPC1768 Cortex-M3 , 22. Call us 9888708401 for More Solutions Introduciton In this project we will use wireless technology to monitor theft in Electricity meter. quadrotor technology . Manav Sandeep Mehta. Uses PIR Motion sensor 4. Our team is extensively working on all the latest meaningful ideas that are waiting to be launched in real-world applications. This project designs a detection system for fuel theft using GSM. Arduino Projects construct with a set of electronic components that includes sensors, interfaces, microcontrollers, LCD displays, buzzers, switches, transducers, keypads, smart phones, motors and LEDs. This system has anideal gas sensor used to detect the presence of a dangerous LPG leak in any place like cars, service station, cylinders, storage tank, and homesamongst other components.The systems ismonitored by the Arduino The energy meter is connected to the Arduino. The block diagram of Arduino Uno module with its connected components is depicted in Fig. Using ArduDroid, users can read data coming from an Arduino board, send data back to the Arduino board, and configure Arduino GPIO pins to function as either input or output. This system eliminates the human involvement in electricity maintenance. A real-life example of this technique of power theft prevention using Energy Meter tampering detection is shown below: Energy Meter Tampering Detection. 42. prepaid energy meter using smart card pdf 43. According to similar consumption pattern consumers are combined using a Self-Organising Map. PIR Sensor – is the heart of this simple burglar alarm circuit using arduino. READ PAPER. IOT Patient Health Monitoring Project, 69. Electrical power theft is a major problem in power system network all over the world,which. Applications of SMS based Vehicle Theft Detection and Controlling System: 1) This project can be used in Cars, public and private buses, even in bikes and motorcycles. The circuit is consists of 4 line display, arduino and resistance measurement circuit. detecting any unauthorized entry to our home or any other place that needs to be helpsecured. GPS used 3 or 4 … Implementation of Mind Control Robot 15. 2. Connections :Arduino Pin 7 – Output of PIR Sensor Arduino Pin 6 – Push button Arduino Pin 8 – Buzzer Buzzer Arduino Pin 9 - Tx... Design and Implementation of Remotely Located Energy Meter Monitoring with Load Control and Mobile Billing System through GSM. It is also used to measure the time and dates even HOME FADS A Dedicated Fire Alert Detection System Using ZigBee Wireless Network 14. VISWAJYOTHI COLLEGE OF ENGG.& TECHNOLOGY, VAZHAKULAM Presented by, 3. In this project we are building a automated system by using Arduino and GSM module.You can recharge the electricity balance through this system, just by sending a SMS. 2.4. Send 3 SMS to a predefined mobile number set inside the program. Detect a motion – an intruder or a burglar using PIR sensor. The system works for theft detection and also allows user to use prepaid energy meter functionality. Keywords— Home Security, Arduino Uno, Self-Generated Password, GSM Module. Arduino [6] Developed a fire detection system with GSM using Arduino. IOT Heart Attack Detection & Heart Rate Monitor, 70. it consume less power, it is fastest and has two UARTS. Energy Meter Monitoring Over IOT, 67. Energy, particularly electricity, is a key input for accelerating economic growth. 1. The alcohol sensor used in In our paper we discuss about the alcohol detection this project is MQ3 which to detect the alcohol content in system for vehicle using alcohol sensor MQ3 and buzzer human breath. In this paper the idea of smart energy meter using IoT and Arduino have been introduced. Firstly the raw water is treated with alum and chlorine through the aerator. identified power theft project using GSM technology. The microcontroller takes the reading from the energy meter and displays the reading on the LCD through RF communication. This project focuses on the fuel theft problem and puts forward an effective solution for this problem. d) Arduino Uno: Arduino is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. 1st. This three phase induction motor protection system using pic microcontroller is more efficient, reliable and less costly as compared to other motor protection devices, but this system will only work in electrical fault condition. GSM based Vehicle Fuel Theft Detection System with SMS indication. The main object of the project is to develop smart energy meter is not only measure the consumer’s power consumption in KWH but also to enable and support real consumption in rupees according to consumer tariff, so meter reader don’t need to visit each customer for the consumed data collection and to distributed the bill slips. A gas detector relay therefore detects a turn-to-turn fault. detector using the ultrasonic sensor and Arduino Uno microcontroller to detect motion and finally their study was finally able to display the distance on the LCD. The system is powered with a 12V power supply. Key words: Obstacle detection, warm bodies detection, gas detection sensor, Ultrasonic sensor. The identification of consumers who steal energy is the next step. Fig 5.1 Flow chart. This system of wireless meter reading is based on the same principle of wireless data transmission that is used in power theft detection. Utility company personnel will have a device consists of wireless data receiver with microcontroller and display. GSM Based Home Security System Project using Arduino. Smart Energy Meter Surveillance Using IoT. Abstract – This project presents the design and implementation of an Alcohol Detection with Engine Locking for cars using the Ultrasonic Sensor and Arduino UNO as the MCU (Master Control Unit). Voice Control Home Automation System Using Arduino, 38. - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. pesticide spraying robot . Advance automatic breaking system for vehicle. GIAP Journals. The backpack anti-theft alarm is powered by an ATtiny85 and functions using an ultrasonic range sensor (HC-SR04) to calculate distance from the backpack to the ground and a 5V buzzer to produce an alarm. Block diagram for automatic water quality monitoring using Arduino. POWER THEFT DETECTION USING WIRELESS SYSTEM:A DISTRIBUTED APPROACH FOR POWER THEFT PREVENTION . The electrical energy consumption in India is the third biggest after China and USA with 5.5% global share in 2016. Current is measured using split core current transformers. The objective of their project is to design a system which will try to minimize the illegal use of electricity and also reduce the chances of theft. So the following method can predict the power theft by locating the area using smart meters and smart transformers. Innovation by: Anshuman Sahoo, Publish Date : October 24, 2018. Ppt power theft identification and detection using gsm. I am working on a project called Arduino based underground cable fault detection system. LIS MARIA ROY & NAMITHA JACOB S5 EEE ROLL NO-12019624 & 12019627 resp. color based sorting iot project . 2. 37 Full PDFs related to this paper. We can provide voice feedback system. arduino uno . It can measure very low value resistance as the cables have around 0.01 Ohm/meter resistance. A PIR sensor – is basically a motion sensor or a motion detector which identifies any object that moves inside its range of view. If these readings match approximately, that indicates no theft. The system detects a voltage drop when the circuit is short-circuited on each phase and displays the exact location of the fault in kilometres else it should display no fault. In this paper, energy meters ... detect threshold value. The system consists of three parts: sensor unit with different types of sensors, transmitting unit consists of an Arduino Uno microcontroller to process the data, and in the receiving … 2. It senses the amount of fuel in tank and visually displays it to the used. 6. of theft can be reduced by using digital meters. We are using serial communication between ESP12 and Arduino. Introduction of Accident Detection and Alert System using Arduino. around 2 meters, it can suit to any vehicle and can easily be hidden from the suspects. The camera captures the image and sends the image to the an email id. The same system can be used to find out the energy losses. IoT Based Food Spoilage Detection System using Arduino, 39. 5.1 Arduino UNO R3 The Arduino uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. 4. Real Time Home Security System using GSM Technology-An Anti-theft System! connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. Designed using MQ5, Arduino, GSM Module and Buzzer. The per person energy use rate in India is closer to 0.7 KW. The main problem with this app is that it does not perform the specific functions required, such as listing multiple Arduino port outputs, saving data, and After reading this string using Arduino extract the required data from string and then sends it to mobile phone using GSM module via SMS. Sends Theft Alert SMS to Given number. This data is then transmitted over a 802.11b connection through the home [s wireless router to the base station and Matlab interface. Automatic Power Cut Failure Alert LED Indicator – Life Hacks For Led Light – Amazing School Project, 40. theft technology for drinking water supply [Gowtham.R et al, 2014)]. The Arduino checks the main meter and sub meter reading. … This project can be used in all vehicles, government vehicles like buses, etc. Arduino This information is called latitude and longitude. The system starts with GSM modem Connection and first configures the user number and gives authority to that number. power theft monitoring ABSTRACT The main objective of the project is to develop a wireless energy meter for detecting power theft. IOT Based Toll Booth Manager System, 71. IOT Based Person/Wheelchair Fall Detection, 68. 1. This paper presented the different methods of power theft and the methods to identify the theft occurred in houses and industries [6]. The Arduino based wireless power meter is a non-invasive current meter for household power with a Matlab interface. Rain drop is used to detect the presence of rain in sensitive areas where presence … Real Time Vehicle Locking And Tracking System Using Gsm, 20. DOI: 10.1109/AEEICB.2018.8480903 Corpus ID: 52931201. (1) energy theft detection at energy consumer's place, (2) Centralized radio receiver, where the power theft information is received, decoded and monitored using Microcontroller.The energy theft detection consists of energy theft detector, suitable tone generator and F.M Radio Transmitter. It can be interfaced by using many interfaces which some are I2C, SPI interface, PWM, antenna pad, two serial interface and so forth. Pawan Janorkar 01 July 2017. It is possible to enhance this project with many features like adding a GSM modu… Power line communications (PLC) has many new service possibilities on the data transferring via power lines without use of extra cables. So by using the GSM technology, Vibration sensor, DC Motor, Stepper Motor, unconscious gas theft of external ATM machine can be predicted. MicroController based Power Theft Identification. Here the manual technique of opening and closing of the valves in the existing system which New Prepaid Energy Meter for Billing System Using Recharge Card 46. prepaid energy meter with auto power theft detection 47. Figure 2 shows the GSM SIM900A device before connecting to the Arduino board. This is an Arduino home alarm system. In proposed system IOT based theft detection project using Raspberry Pi we have used image processing concept to detect theft using motion. ASS Relays Power transformer protection AGO3-5005 E Page 6 The current in the short-circuited turns may be 50-100 times the rated current. Arduino Uno Fig. 2. INTRODUCTION In this new age, while technology has enriched to a great extent, enhancement of theft and stealing is having a bad impact on society. 60+ Interesting ARM Projects For Electronic Students – Electronics Hub, 19. vehicle anti theft technology . Digital Clock with Arduino and Ds1307: In this project we are going to build a digital clock by using an Arduino and DS1307 real time clock timer IC. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller. Prepaid Electricity Energy Meter is a good concept in which you can recharge its balance, like we do in our mobile phones. PROJECT IDEA • Design and construct a home automation system that can be control automatically and manually using IoT. The Atmel. Herein we have also introduced the self-power generation technique [Gouthaman.J et al, 2011]. Smart Security System using Arduino and Wireless Communication ... low power consumption wireless security system. 13. Implementing Intelligent Traffic Control System for Congestion Control, Ambulance Clearance, And Stolen Vehicle Detection. Even though using digital meters, the power theft cannot be reduced since there is a chance of bi-passing the meter. Once the backpack is above a certain distance, the buzzer sounds and does not stop until the device is turned off. Power theft detection. Induction Motor Speed & Direction Controller DC Motor Speed Control Using GSM Mini Windmill Power Generation Project Solar Peizo Hybrid Power Charging System Zigbee Based Room Temperature Controller Project Load Sensing Seats With Lights Fan Control Induction Motor Speed Controller Project Arduino Based System… It is So this project is all about building an anti theft alarm or an intruder alarm using Arduino and PIR sensor. Moreover increasing fuel prices adds to the frustration of a fuel theft. Here we propose IOT based theft detection project using Raspberry Pi where we use image processing on live video to detect theft using motion and also highlight the area where motion occurred.

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