ISSN 1929-0977. International Journal of Business Research and Development (IJBRD) provides an international forum to disseminate new knowledge on all aspects of business research and development across disciplines, continents and countries. The journal intends to share advances in management practice, concepts, research experience and opinions to help firms and other organizations to become more internationally competitive. Global Business Review provides a forum for research and scholarship on management-related themes and topics. Ltd., No. The Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) (ISSN: 0047-2506 print, 1478-6990 online) is the official publication of the Academy of International Business (AIB) and is published by Palgrave Macmillan. Progress in International Business Research is the official book series of the European International Business Academy (EIBA) in partnership with Emerald. The Global Journal of Management and Business Research: (G) Interdisciplinary is an international journal for publishing management research papers. IRJBM is a leading o n-line version publishing research papers and case studies on monthly basis. Journal of Global Economy, Trade and International Business - Open Access Journal Journal of Global Economy, Trade and International Business (jbetib) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. It publishes theoretical or empirical works in Entrepreneurship, applied research or studies in Entrepreneurship Education, and Qualitative research in Entrepreneurship of value to practicing entrepreneurs. Research in International Business and Finance (RIBAF) seeks to consolidate its position as a premier scholarly vehicle of academic finance. We are one of the world’s leading and fastest-growing research publications with the paramount objective of discovering advances by publishing insightful, double-blind, peer-reviewed journals. Global Journal of Business Research Distribution. We welcome original research, articles, surveys, and review papers from all over the world. IJBIR is a forum to help professionals, academics, researchers and practitioners, working in the field of business innovation and research, to discuss the important ideas, concepts and disseminate information and to learn from each other's work. IJBIR publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework,... We welcome original research, articles, surveys, and review papers from all over the world. 87.54. 170 72 178. Global Journal of Management and Marketing ISSNs 2574-044X (Print) – 2574-0458 (Online) The GJMM is a double-blind, peer reviewed journal with an average acceptance rate of 20-25%. JIBS is the leading peer-reviewed, scholarly journal that publishes research across the entire range of topics encompassing the domain of international business studies. The Journal is indexed in the American Economic Association’s Econlit, e-JEL and JEL on CD. Review of International Business and Strategy (formerly known as International Journal of Commerce and Management) publishes high quality peer-reviewed research articles related to international business and global strategy. The Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research is affiliated with the Faculty of Entrepreneurship and the UNESCO Chair in Entrepreneur ship at the University of Tehran, Iran. 3, Ganesh Nagar 1st Street, Mittanamelli, Avadi IAF, Chennai-600 055, Tamil Nadu. It is now calling for submissions of original applied and empirical manuscripts in the area of economics, trade and international finance with a global focus. IBFR- Promoting research, knowledge sharing and networking. International Research Journal of Business and Management – IRJBM (ISSN: 2322 – 083X) is a double-blinded peer-reviewed Journal. Global Journal of Management and Business is an international journal for publishing management research papers. Being international and inter-disciplinary in scope, GBMR seeks to provide a platform for debate among diverse academic and practitioner communities who address a … The Institute for Business and Finance Research (IBFR) encourages you to participate in our academic conferences, and to publish in our peer-reviewed journals. Global Journal of Medical Research is leading and trusted international journal for publishing a Medical research paper. It aims to encourage and provide international publication to researchers, doctors, scientists, and professors. Global Journals is an international scientific journal publication. June 2014, issue 5. Affiliated to Allied Academy publication, this journal enjoys 20% acceptance rate. 7.69. Ltd. JIBS is multidisciplinary in scope, and interdisciplinary in content and methodology. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal. JGBI, originally established in 2015, was known as the International Interdisciplinary Business-Economics Advancement Journal (IIBA Journal) from 2015-2018. It focuses on researches in the fields of Management, Commerce, Economics, Education and other areas of Social Sciences. JIBR caters to the needs of a wide range of national and international audience by publishing the latest developments and trends in the national and international business. The Impact Factor measures the average number of citations received in a particular year by papers published in the journal during the two preceding years. The Journal of Global Business and Management Research (GBMR) publishes high quality research studies in the field of Business and Management. The Global Journal of International Business Research (GJIBR) was started in 2006 as a peer-reviewed research journal that provides a publication outlet for practical and theoretical global issues in the areas of accounting, finance, marketing, management and information systems all against the background of economic developments and regulatory issues (country specific, regional and global). While the focus is on original research contributions dealing with the search for global optima of non-convex, multi-extremal problems, the journal’s scope covers optimization in the widest sense, including nonlinear, mixed integer, combinatorial, stochastic, robust, multi-objective optimization, computational geometry, and equilibrium problems. We welcome original research, articles, surveys and review papers from all over the world. For our conference and journals, we welcome both theoretical and empirical manuscripts in all areas of business, … Tier 2 … IJBIR aims to act as a forum for exchanging new ideas and sharing practical experiences in managing and improving business innovation and research … JIBS is an official publication of the Academy of International Business. About this journal. Objective of Journal Journal of International Business Studies Description: Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) is a top-ranked peer-reviewed journal in the field of international business; its goal is to publish insightful, innovative and impactful research on international business. It publishes articles which are of a multi-disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and internationally significant nature. Hello, how can we help you? The Global Journal of Management and Business Research: (G) Interdisciplinary is an international journal for publishing management research papers. It aims to encourage and provide international publication to researchers, scientists, and engineers. ISSN: 1947-5667 (Online) Journal Launch Date: 2009 Language: English No. May 2014, issue 4 Special Issue: Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in International Business: Integrative Knowledge and Transformative Theories. The published volumes bring together the best papers from the annual EIBA conference focusing on a distinct theme. Journal of International Business Research (JIBR) is an open access journal with a global reputation. Affiliated to Allied Academy publication, this journal enjoys 20% acceptance rate. Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal (GBMR) Journal Introduction. Global Journals is an international platform for researchers, inventors, scientists, engineers, managers, doctors, and professors involved in all streams of research with the purpose of publishing high-quality research and review papers. A. Alpha Business Research & Publishers Pvt. This journal is … It aims to encourage and provide international publication to researchers, scientists, and engineers. The International Journal of Business Research (IJBR) is a peer reviewed journal published by the IABE. We are one of the world's leading and fastest-growing research publications with the paramount objective of discovering advances by publishing insightful, double-blind, peer-reviewed scientific journals. The Special Issue will provide a venue for research on emerging areas, highlight important subdisciplines, or describe new cross-disciplinary applications. The focus is to explore the inner workings of these knowledge systems, and the interrelationship with other disciplines that transcend continents and nations. Global Journals is an international journal publication. The International Journal of Business and Management Research (IJBMR) is an open access, U.S. based refereed academic journal, sponsored by a group of academics and scholars worldwide, to provide international platform of scholarly research and to promote intellectual achievements. The International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (IJBIR) is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to exchanging the latest academic research and practical findings on all aspects of managing business intelligence in organizations. It aims to encourage and provide international publication to researchers, scientists, and engineers. 6303. Global Journal of Business Research. It covers the practice and theory of international business, international entrepreneurship and international franchising, highlighting developing countries attempting to assert themselves on the global stage. Notable Rankings. Global Business Research Journals (GBRJ) Online International (Double-Blind) Refereed Research Journals Published by: J.A. The global dimension is emphasised in developing appropriate strategies, tactics, operational policies and tools for business innovation and research. The primary objective of the International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR) is to provide an international forum for researchers and practitioners to advance the knowledge and practice of all facets of electronic business. ISSNs 2574-0415 (Print) – 2574-0423 (Online) The GJE is a double-blind, peer reviewed journal with an average acceptance rate of 20-25%. The goal of IJGBC is to publish insightful and impactful research on competitiveness and international business (IB). 2134. A Special Issue suggested by the Lead Guest Editor, is a collection of articles on a hot topical research area within the scope of the journal. J. The Journal publishes high quality, insightful, well-written papers that explore current and new issues in international finance. The most downloaded articles from International Business Review in the last 90 days. 154. Global Journal of Business Research (GJBR) is distributed in print, and electronically through EBSCOHost,... Indexing. Journal of Global Resources (JGR) is an open-access PRINT & ONLINE double-blind peer-reviewed international journal having ISSN: 2395-3160 (Print), ISSN: 2455-2445 (Online) numbers.The journal is published by the Institute of Sustainable Development, Environmental & Scientific Research … India. The Journal highlights emerging research areas that pursue international analysis in: Accounting, Economics, Finance, Human Resources, Management Science, Information Systems and Marketing. IJBIR serves to … Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. JIBR caters to the needs of a wide range of national and international audience by publishing the latest developments and trends in the national and international business. It publishes theoretical, empirical or pedagogical works in Management, Strategic Management, Leadership and … Emerging e-business theories, architectures, and technologies are emphasized to stimulate and disseminate cutting-edge information into research and business communities in a … The Journal of International Development is an inter-disciplinary journal that aims to publish the best research on international development issues in a form that is accessible to practitioners and policy-makers as well as to an academic audience. JIBED addresses the advancement of contemporary research in areas of international business and entrepreneurship. Alpha Business Research & Publishers Pvt. IRJBM. Journal of International Business Research (JIBR) is an open access journal with a global reputation. Affiliated to Allied Academy publication, this journal enjoys 20% acceptance rate. Description: Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) is a top-ranked peer-reviewed journal in the field of international business; its goal is to publish insightful, innovative and impactful research on international business. Journal of International Business Research (JIBR) is an open access journal with a global reputation. We believe in the power of research and knowledge sharing. Launched in the early 1970s, ABI/INFORM Global remains the gold standard when it comes to business research databases. Landline: +91 44 26840639 Mobile & Whatsapp: +91-8220055163 Website: Email: This is a list of possibly predatory journals.The kernel for this list was extracted from the archive of Beall’s list at will be updated as new information or suggested edits are submitted or found by the maintainers of this site. 5.512 Q1. Journal of Global Business Insights (JGBI) is an international non-profit, open access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal. critical perspectives on international business (CPOIB) publishes high quality research that critically engages with the broad field of international business including but not restricted to, issues of globalization, international business strategies, corporate social responsibility as well as power relations both within multinational firms and between multinational firms and civil society actors. Special Issue: The Multifaceted Role of Language in International Business: Unpacking the Forms, Functions and Features of a Critical Challenge to MNC Theory and Performance. About this journal.

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