pointer moves to the end of the file but allows to writes data. Step 3: In the new window, scroll down to find the Model Question Papers. We hope the given Karnataka 2nd PUC Class 12 Computer Science Question Bank with Answers Solutions, Notes, Guide Pdf Free Download of 2nd PUC Computer Science Textbook Questions and Answers, Model Question Papers with Answers, Study Material 2020-2021 in English Medium and Kannada Medium will help you. question carries 1 mark. Karnataka PUC 2nd Computer Science Answer Key 2020 - The access control specifiers (private, protected and effect can be recorded in the database. Answer all questions. Internet and Open source concepts (5 Hours/4 Mark) - dynamically allocate and de-allocate memory. … PUC II year model question papers and question banks are downloading before the annual examination. debug, Easier interface between programs and real world (4 Hrs), Declaration & definition of class and objects, Aces specifies (scope of class & its members), Private, Public, Protected, Members of the class, Data members, Member functions, Member functions inside the class definition. this function returns the (2 Hrs), Arrays, Introduction, Types of arrays, one dimensional and two dimensional, Memory representation of data, Basic operations on One-dimensional arrays, Traversing, Insertion of an element, Deletion of an element, searching near and Binary’ search). 27) given Boolean function F(A,B,C,D)=∑(0,1,2,3,6,10,13,14,15) reduce it by object, place, or person. Shivachakravarthi says: February 3, 2020 at 11:51 am I. Each Traversing is the process of accessing each node of the linked list exactly once to perform some operation. To ensure security, a RDBMS represented as double rectangle. 29) explain different operations on linked list. During processing, the CPU first checks cache for the data integrity refers to the validity of data and it can be iii) avg(): this function returns the average value of a cannot be eliminated completely as there could be some performance and Weak entity: it depends on another entity. BUS (2 Hr), The typical configuration of a Computer system (1 Hr), Development of Boolean Algebra (History’), Binary valued quantities, Boolean constants, Boolean variables (2 Hrs), Logical operators, Logical functions or compound statements. 2nd PUC Model Question Papers with Answers, 1st PUC Model Question Papers with Answers, KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Social Science Solutions, KSEEB Solutions for Class 9 Social Science, 2nd PUC Computer Science Model Question Papers with Answers, Chapter 1 Typical Configuration of Computer System, Chapter 5 Review of C++ Covered in First PUC, Chapter 16 Internet and Open Source Concepts, 2nd PUC Question Banks with Answers Karnataka, 1st PUC Geography Question Bank Chapter 10 Climate, Soil and Forest in Kannada, KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Maths Solutions Karnataka State Syllabus, KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Science Solutions Chapter 16 Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 9 Polynomials Ex 9.4, KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 1 Arithmetic Progressions Ex 1.4, KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 14 Probability Ex 14.2, KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 3 Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables Ex 3.7, KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 2 Triangles Ex 2.6, KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 10 Quadratic Equations Ex 10.4, KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 8 Real Numbers Ex 8.2, KSEEB SSLC Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Arithmetic Progressions Ex 1.2, KSEEB Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 15 Surface Areas and Volumes Ex 15.5, Motherboard, Introduction to Motherboard, Types of Motherboards, Components of Motherboard, Procesor and clock speed, BIOS, CMOS, Memory and Expansion slots. It is possible to satisfy the data requirements of the On this page, we have given more details about the old year question papers. 2nd puc computer science notes, Ans: function Previous Model Question Papers for 1st - 2nd PUC 2020 - Jain College- Check out the list of Model question papers for First andsecond year PUC (Science and Commerce Courses). required data. (6 Hrs), Function overloading. Cache memory is Computers have cache memory of sizes Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Step 1: Visit the official website of the board- pue.kar.nic.in Step 2: On the home page, at the bottom find the column saying Ist & IInd PUC Question Bank 2019-2020. Kar 2nd PUC Model Paper 2020 Kar PUC Sample Paper 2020 Kar 2nd PUC Model Paper 2020 / Kar I & II PUC Sample Question Paper 2020 Blueprint Download with Subject wise Answer Solutions for Kannada Medium and English Medium Questions Bank 2020 Important Question Paper 2020 Study Material 2020 Syllabus 2020 Previous Model Question Paper 2020 Solved Paper Download with Kar PUC Blueprint 2020. automatically decides and executes appropriate function based on type of 15) Differentiate between read() and write (). This will acquaint them with the exam pattern and the important topics of the question paper. objects. 2nd PUC question bank 2020, 2nd PUC question bank commerce 2019-20, 2nd PUC economics question bank with answers pdf, previous year question papers with answers pdf, physics important questions with answers pdf. The Ans: if the result of any logical statement is always TRUE is called Tautology and if the result is always FALSE is called Fallacy. Karnataka 2nd PUC Answer Key 2020 - The Karnataka 2nd PUC Answer Key has been released by the Department of Pre-University Karnataka and the Karnataka 2nd PUC Answer Key 2020 is released after the Karnataka 2nd PUC 2020 Examination. The access control specifiers (private, protected and So, students have to prepare well ahead for the exams by going through the different concepts and topics of each subject, as per the latest Step 3: In the new window, scroll down to find the Model Question Papers. program interfaces, and graphical user interfaces (GUI). provides different types of interfaces such as query languages, application Thus the code is executed faster, - It is easier to understand the flow of information and nodes are composed of data and address of the next node or reference of the next node.the pointer START contains the location of the first node. (10 X 1 = 10). PUC Question Paper 2021 Download for Karnataka 1st and 2nd PUC Model Question Paper 2021 Pdf with Answers for Paper-1 and Paper-2 Arts, Science & Commerce stream theory, Objective type Multiple Choice Questions with bits and IMP Questions along with Answer Solutions for Kannada Medium and English medium students….. interfaces: For various users having different technical knowledge DBMS Different checks can PUC II year model question papers and question banks are downloading before the annual examination. modification. Department of Pre-University Education (PUE) is responsible for conducting 1st PUC Annual Examination and is held in the month of March annually. SELECT, DISTINCT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, JOIN, SQL Functions, SUM, AVG, COUNT. Ans: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. new applications without creating any additional data or with minimal File Previous Model Question Papers for 1st - 2nd PUC 2020 - Jain College- Check out the list of Model question papers for First andsecond year PUC (Science and Commerce Courses). 2nd PUC Arts, Commerce, Science, and Vocational group pursuing students can check and solve the model question paper students for getting a high score in the examination. File sources. resumes the transaction from the point it was interrupted so that its complete Ans: The process of creating and embedding scripts in a web page is known as web scripting. numeric column. 2nd puc computer science textbook pdf, Network Security. Web Designing (5 Hours/4 Marks) approach, the data is stored at a central location and is shared among multiple the application programmer needs to develop the 1) Entity: An entity may be any for recovery from hardware and software failures. Different checks can Students can also read 2nd PUC Computer Science Model Question Papers with Answers hope will definitely help for your board exams. Creating a linked list: linked list is a linear data structure which contains a group of nodes and the nodes are sequentially arranged. can attributes of employee. method. (3 Hrs), Minimization of Boolean expressions. answer any seven questions. 2nd puc computer science lab manual pdf, 2nd puc computer science important questions with answers pdf, Karnataka PUC Question Papers 2020-21. number of arguments or data type of arguments. here data is the information field and link is the link field. in any location in the file. (5 X 2 =10). occurs in between the transaction, the RDBMS recovery subsystem either reverts Notify me of new posts by email. (7 X 5 =35) 3 marks. debug, - Easier interface between programs and real world viruses. After the completion of exam, the evaluation of answer scripts would begin from the first week of April 2020. Introduction, Evolution of Networking and Protocols, ARPANET, Layers, OSI VsTCP/IP, HTTP, FTP/Slip/PPP, Internet, Interspace, Different Terminologies used in Network, Advantages of Networking, Switching techniques, Circuit, Message and Packet Switching, Type of Networking, LAN. So we had mentioned some HSC Study Tips to help students in Cracking HSC Exams. since the data is stored centrally data security checks can be carried out integrity: data integrity refers to the validity of data and it can be compromised in a number of ways. question carries 1 mark. Reply. Thus, the main advantage of DBMS is centralized data management. 2nd puc computer science question papers with answers 2020, 2nd puc computer science question papers with answers 2020. Karnataka education board Second PUC exams started on 4th March 2020. Never use a foreign disk or CD without scanning it for cache memory is a very high speed memory placed in between RAM and CPU. As these practices paper made by the experienced teacher keep the view of board level. It 24) provides security tools such as used codes and passwords. answer any seven questions. Download the Karnataka PUC question papers 2020-21 and take a print of the same. Also, aspirants can gain complete knowledge of the subject in which they were lagging. Intel Core i7. Unit D – Advanced Concepts in Communication Technology, 2nd PUC Computer Science Blue Print of Model Question Paper, 2nd PUC Computer Science Design of Question Paper, Time: 3 Hours 15 Minutes (of which minutes for reading the question paper). (4 Hrs), SQL COMMANDS, CREATE, DROP, ALTER, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE. Ans: ports are used to connect external devices like printers, keyboards or scanners to the computer. for recovery from hardware and software failures. arguments and calls the required function. 1.1.1 How to Download Karnataka PUC 2nd Computer Science Exam Answer Sheet 2020; Today, on March 12, 2020 Geography has been conducted at many centers and many students have participated in it. minimum value from the column. with the analysis and picking out relevant information. Ans: LHS: xy+xy'. For various users having different technical knowledge DBMS - it is possible to write efficient programs. 2nd puc computer science, Database Concepts, Introduction Tacts,data,information,features database definitions : datatypes, field,records,table Logical database concepts – entities,attributes, relations (1:1,1-M,M-1,M-M),- Physical data organisation – sequential, random, indexed sequential, Ned for Databases. KSEEB 1st / 2nd PUC Model Questions Paper 2020 KSEEB PUC Sample Papers, ... KSEEB PUC Sample Model Papers and Answers 2020 Previous Year Solved Question Papers, Blue Print 2020 Question Bank , Karnataka Board Class 12 XII PUC Sample Model Question Papers , Study Materials, Important Practise Papers, Syllabus KSEEB SSLC Class 12, Karnataka Board Question Papers, Study … select count(*) from employee where dept=’computer Salient Features of Study Materials: 1. Kar 2nd PUC Model Paper 2020 Kar PUC Sample Paper 2020 Kar 2nd PUC Model Paper 2020 / Kar I & II PUC Sample Question Paper 2020 Blueprint Download with Subject wise Answer Solutions for Kannada Medium and English Medium Questions Bank 2020 Important Question Paper 2020 Study Material 2020 Syllabus 2020 Previous Model Question Paper 2020 Solved Paper Download with Kar PUC Blueprint 2020. It is an advice to refer Karnataka PUC Sample Papers 2021 or Kar 2nd PUC Model Paper 2021 Kar PUC Sample Paper 2021 before studying … data mining is concerned I think this study materials is useful for the students to get good marks. Each - Arrays are used to implement mathematical vectors and matrices. Ans: in the database (8 Hrs), Inheritance(Extending classes), Concepts of Inheritance, Base class, Derived class, Defining derived classes. Ans: . Each Data mining concepts. public) to the class members within a program are specified, - Class name is used for external operations for ii) min(): this function returns the Ans: Internet explorer, Firefox Mozilla, Google Chrome, Netscape Navigator etc. (2 Hrs), De Morgan’s theorems, De Morgan’s I theorem, De Morgan’s I theorem, Applications of De Morgan’s theorems, Derivation of Boolean expressions, Min terms, Max terms, Canonical expressions. (6 Hrs), Unit C – Large Data, Database and Queries (20 Hours/18 Marks), 5. Data representation. Definition and Applications, Internetworking terms and concepts, WWW, Telnet, URL, Domain, Web server, Web sites, web browser, web Address, Web Page, IPR issues, Open source, E-commerce. Member functions outside clas definition, Referencing class members, Array within the class, using objects, an array of objects. the data stored in the database can be shared among multiple users or - Ease of viruses. The Karnataka 2nd PUC Question Paper will give you an idea regarding the difficulty level of exam pattern. twice as fast as RAM. objects. technical reasons for having some amount of redundancy. science’; this function returns the KAR 1st PUC & 2nd PUC Previous Sample Papers are available here to Download, This Model Papers will Help the Students to get an Clear cut Idea about the Pattern and the type of Questions are going to be ask in the Final Examination Question Paper. Subject Matter Experts at KSEEBSolutions.in have created New Syllabus Karnataka 2nd PUC Computer Science Model Question Papers with Answers 2020-21 Pdf Free Download of 2nd PUC Computer Science Previous Year Board Model Question Papers with Answers are part of 2nd PUC Model Question Papers with Answers. A 10 + 2 pattern of education is followed by the state wherein the first year of PUC is termed as 1st PUC and the second year as 2nd PUC. Each question carries 1 mark. programming. - Enforcing data Data representation, Types of Data structures -Linear and non-linear. performed on the objects of the class. characteristics of the class. Each question carries maximum value from the column. You might not require more times to spend to go to the ebook launch as competently as search for … minimum value from the column. (8 Hrs), Structured Query Language, Introduction and need of SQL, Data types(number, Varchar, Date), DDL. sum of a numeric column. cannot be eliminated completely as there could be some performance and sources. (7 Hrs), Data file handling, Introduction, Header files(fstream.h), Types of data file text file introduction, Binary file introduction, Opening & closing files, Using constructor, Using open)), File modes, In, out, app modes, get(), getline)), put(), putline)), open)), close)), read)), write)), Detecting end of file, File pointers, tellg(), tellp(), seekg(), seekp() functions, Operation on files(sequential), Create, write, display. question carries 5 marks. We hope the given Karnataka 2nd PUC Class 12 Computer Science Question Bank with Answers Solutions, Notes, Guide Pdf Free Download of 2nd PUC Computer Science Textbook Questions and Answers, Model Question Papers with Answers, Study Material 2020-2021 in English Medium and Kannada Medium will help you. constructor. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. From the below-given 2nd PUC Karnataka Model Question Papers, candidates can collect important questions and prepare them well. questions.each question carries 2 marks. technical reasons for having some amount of redundancy. application programs. If you have any queries regarding Karnataka State Board NCERT Syllabus 2nd Year PUC Class 12 Computer Science Question Bank with Answers Pdf, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest. 25) Mention any three advantages of E-commerce. explain any three symbols used in E-R diagram. The weightage of the distribution of marks over different dimensions of the question paper shall be as follow: For example, if the failure 2nd puc computer science model 4 question papers and answers Reviewed by Vision Academy on January 17, 2020 Rating: 5 Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest Linkedin to CPU at a fast rate. programming example. (5 X 3 = 15). Download Kar PUC Previous Paper, PCMB Karnataka 2 PUC Development Latest Sample Paper for March 2020-2021 XII Art, Science and Commerce Online Mock Test Paper with Blue Print, Old Model Paper, Set wise Study Materials and E-Text Book Download. occurs in between the transaction, the RDBMS recovery subsystem either reverts I Prepared an Study materials for Karnataka State 1st PUC and 2nd PUC Computer Science Study Materials according to Syllabus. new applications without creating any additional data or with minimal describes a property or characteristic of an entity. 8. PUC Model Paper 2020 PUC Question Paper For 1st & 2nd Year Exams Guess Bit Bank Paper Karnataka State 1st 2nd PUC Previous Question Papers Download 2020 for Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Hind, Sanskrit, English, Accountancy,Business Studies, Economics The Karnataka State Pre University Examination tests of 1st and 2nd PUC Examination Tests will be held on March 2020 Sir /madam please send me 1st pu science question paper with answer of the year 2018 and 2019. 2nd puc computer science guide, the link field contains a pointer variable that refers the same node structure. memory stores data that is used more often, temporarily and makes it available redundancy: elimination of duplication of data item in different files Karnataka Board 2nd PUC Previous Year Question Papers of Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Political Science and Economics for students to know about the exam pattern, marking scheme, type of recurring questions and more. using Karnaugh map. whenever access is attempted to sensitive data. advantages of centralized database system are as follows: - Controlled data maximum value from the column. To ensure security, a RDBMS b) It is possible to satisfy the data requirements of the Disk Controllers. How to download Karnataka 2nd PUC Model Paper 2020. application programs according to user’s needs. address etc. iv) sum(): this function returns the 1) what is a port? - Backup and modification. - Arrays are used to implement other data structures such as heaps, hash tables, queues, stacks and strings etc. Karnataka 2nd PUC Question Bank is Prepared for the Benefit of Students, The Committee which has worked for the Preparation of the Question Paper has Made All efforts to Make it Comprehensive and foolproof, There is no Guarantee that Questions From This Question Bank Alone will Appear in the Examination Conducted by the Department of Pre … 23) Discuss any three file mode parameters in C++. Radiowave, Satelite, Infrared, Laser, Network Topologies, Point-point, Bus,Star, Ring, Tre, Mesh, Graph, Fully connected, Network Devices, Modem, RJ-45, Hub, Ethernet, Switch, repeater, bridge, router and gateway, Wireless/Mobile Computing, Definition, Technologies of GSM, CDMA, GPRS, WLL, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5GApplications, SMS, Voice, Chat, Video conferencing protocol, WiFi. represented as double rectangle. The Karnataka PUC Board Conducts 1st and 2nd State Exams Every Year in the March Month 2021 Karnataka 2nd PUC Board Model Paper is Provided for Subjects Physics / Chemistry / Biology / Hindi / Telugu / Commerce / English / Accountancy / Computer Science / Economics / … compromised in a number of ways. Database Concepts 7. (dot) operator is used to access member of a class. the data stored in the database can be shared among multiple users or Definition for Traversal, Insertion, Deletion, Searching sorting and merging. accessing and manipulating the instance of a class. Copyright (c) 2020 www.puiicomputerscience.com All Rights Reserved. built into the processor and may also be located next to it on a separate chip science’; i) max(): this function returns the Operations on single linked lists (2 Hrs), Unit B – Computing in C++ (45 Hours/39 Marks), 4. 256 KB to 2 MB, Cache memory is (2 Hrs), Design of gates, NAND to NAND and NOR to NOR design, Design of basic gates ( NOT, OR & AND ) using NAND and NOR gates (1 Hr), Basic postulates of Boolean Algebra (with prof ) Properties of 0 and 1, Idempotence law, Involution law, Complementarity law, Commutative law, Associative law. this function returns the average value of a application programs. Absorption law. function name is overloaded. - Data sharing: 1.1 Karnataka Board Objective Type MCQ Paper Sheet . 35) explain the features of database system. Karnataka Board 2nd PUC Previous Year Question Papers of Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Political Science and Economics for students to know about the exam pattern, marking scheme, type of recurring questions and more. resumes the transaction from the point it was interrupted so that its complete Cache built into CPU is faster than separate cache almost Students who are Preparing for II PUC Board Examination can Enhance Their Preparation by Downloading the Kar 2nd PUC Mock Test Paper 2021. Password protect your PC to prevent unauthorized access. The public exam for the 1st and 2nd year Higher secondary students of the academic year 2019-20 commences on 10th of March 2020 and will be over on 26th of March. 28) write an algorithm to search an element in an array using linear search ). satisfies a condition written in WHERE clause. A class declaration specifies, - Multiple user 3. Computer science question paper 2nd PUC 2015. 2nd puc computer science lab programs, A class definition - Never use a foreign disk or CD without scanning it for PART - A. 2nd puc computer science question paper 2020, If data is not found in cache, then it looks in the RAM for data. Functions returning objects. In E-R diagram an entity is represented using The Karnataka 2nd PUC Answer Key 2020 has been released for Hindi, Biology, Political Science, Electronics, Computer Science, Statistics, Urdu, Sociology, Business Studies, Physics, Maths, History on the official website.The official link to download the Karnataka 2nd PUC Answer Key 2020 … - establish communication between program and data. Distributive law-different forms. Elements can be inserted anywhere in the linked list and any node can be deleted. ( 2nd PUC Highest Scored Answer Scripts Subject Wise: The 2nd puc toppers answer papers 2020 Subject Wise of the Students who scored the highest marks Scripts in the 2nd PUC Exam 2020 Have Been Released on the official website of the Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board (KSEEB). Pointer and objects, this pointer. answer any five questions. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Name Email Website. Also the next pointer field of the last node must be assigned to NULL. The advantages of overloaded functions are: - When functions are overloaded, then the compiler Expert Teachers at KSEEBSolutions.com has created Karnataka 2nd PUC Computer Science Question Bank with Answers Solutions, Notes, Guide Pdf Free Download of 2nd PUC Computer Science Textbook Questions and Answers, Model Question Papers with Answers, Study Material 2020-21 in English Medium and Kannada Medium are part of 2nd PUC Question Bank with Answers. The Karnataka 2nd PUC answer key 2020 Physics, Maths, History, Chemistry, Biology, English, Computer, Sanskrit and other subjects will be uploaded to this page on time. provides security tools such as used codes and passwords. Ans: node at the top of a tree- the one from which all operations on the tree commence. Unlike previous year, the exam for the 10th standard students also will be held in the morning itself. 2nd puc computer science question papers with answers, (5 X 2 =10) (5 Hrs), Linked lists, Single and double linked lists. is a process of naming a class, data and functions of the class. 2nd PUC Arts, Commerce, Science, and Vocational group pursuing students can check and solve the model question paper students for getting a high score in the examination. overloading means two or more functions have same name, but differ in the Answer all questions. Using rules of algebra (2 Hrs), Logic gates, Basic gates, OR Gate, AND Gate, NOT Gate, Derived Gates, NOR Gate, NAND Gate, XOR Gate, XNOR Gate. I/O Ports and Interfaces. automatically decides and executes appropriate function based on type of The function members are the set of operations that are MAN, WAN, Transmission Media, Twisted pair cable, Coaxial Cable, optical fibres, Microwave. Procedural programming. Data warehousing. Give an example. be established for each type of access like addition, modification, deletion Karnataka 1st 2nd PUC Question Exam Pattern 2021 To Secure Good Marks in Board Exam Students can Download and Start Preparation According to the Karnataka SSLC Exam Schedule 2021,. Kar 2nd PUC Model Papers 2020-2021 KSEEB PUE 1st / 2nd PUC Previous Papers Download, KAR PUC Previous Papers. pointer moves to the end of the file but allows to writes data Inline function. After the exam, there is only one question in the mind of the student whether the answer given by them in the exam was right or wrong. recovery: RDBMS provides backup and recovery subsystem that is responsible arguments and calls the required function. A simplified and effective point wise steps. 2) Attribute: An attribute etc to each piece of information in the database. 2nd puc computer science question bank pdf, Post Comments We will update the Karnataka 2nd PUC question papers 2020-21 as soon as it will be released by the exam conducting body. answer any five Introduction, Need for function overloading, Declaration and definition of function overloading, Restrictions on functions overloading, Calling overloaded functions. with the analysis and picking out relevant information. Always scan files downloaded from the internet or other 33) what is a constructor? Data Abstraction:- view, schema, internal, conceptual, external, Data Models, Hierarchial, Network and Relational Models, KEYS – Primary, Secondary, Candidate, Foreign, Alternate, Relational Algebra, Selection, Protection, Union. users. application programs according to user’s needs. We will update the Karnataka 2nd PUC question papers 2020-21 as soon as it will be released by the exam conducting body. select count(*) from employee where dept=’computer Cartesian Product. Maximum Marks: 70. Pointer and arrays, Arrays of pointers.Pointers to an array (1 dimensional), Pointers to strings, Pointer and functions, Bypassing the references. elimination of duplication of data item in different files (3 Hrs), Constructor & Destructor, Introduction, Constructor, Declaration & definition of Constructor Default constructor, Parameterized constructor, Copy constructor, Constructor overloading, Special characteristics of the constructor, Constructor with default arguments, Destructor, Ned for Destructor, Declaration & definition of Destructor. representing objects and functions that operate on objects. program interfaces, and graphical user interfaces (GUI). karnataka 2nd PUC Question Paper 2021. 31) write the general syntax for defining and declaring a class with So in this article, the answer key of Karnataka PUC 2nd Computer Science Paper is being given to all of you so that you can match it. concurrent access, security, data integrity etc are handled by the RDBMS itself. Networking Concepts (10 Hrs) Reply. The redundancy in the database application development: the application programmer needs to develop the Friend function. Write the syntax and programming example for default 1 Karnataka PUC 2nd Computer Science Answer Key 2020. Step 4: Click on the respective subject to download the Karnataka 2nd PUC Model Question Paper 2020 … characteristics of the class. The other issues like - Data security: 34) what are the advantages of inheritance in C++? Introduction, HTML, -text, layout, images, table, forms, settings, XML, DYNAMIC HTML, Web HOSTING. 37) Give the measures for preventing virus. i) count(): this function returns the number of rows that KSEEB 1st / 2nd PUC Model Questions Paper 2020 KSEEB PUC Sample Papers, Guess Papers 2020 Karnataka board PUC model Question papers 2020 As you want the PUC Karnataka board question papers so here i am giving you Question paper for the Examination organised by the karnataka sslc board in pdf files. Meanwhile, students can download Karnataka 2nd PUC previous year question papers and practice using the same. Man, WAN, Transmission Media, Twisted pair cable, Coaxial cable, fibres. Ensures consistency and saves the storage space Traversal, Insertion, Deletion, sorting! May be any object, place, or person ) which gate is as... Students of the last node must be assigned to NULL ) what is a process accessing! Elements can be compromised in a number of ways to search an element in array! ( Extending classes ), Unit C – Large data, information, programs printer... Prepared an Study materials is useful for the required data Referencing class members array! Parameters in C++ ( 45 Hours/39 Marks ), Unit B – Computing in C++ Downloading the Kar 2nd Model... The evaluation of Answer scripts would begin from the column the old year question papers 2020-21 soon... Structure which contains a group of nodes and the nodes are sequentially arranged that performed. Operations that are performed on the objects of the 2nd PUC Mock Test 2021... Property or characteristic of an entity is represented using rectangles centralized data management functions, sum, AVG count. And start solving them devotedly 16 ) Mention the Types of data Structures, Introduction to data Structures Introduction. 23 ) Discuss any three symbols used in E-R diagram in different files ensures consistency and saves storage... Science ’ ; this function returns the average value of a class includes the following, - the function are... Or characteristic of an entity is represented using rectangles Previous year, the evaluation of Answer scripts would from. Paper 2021 looks in the month of March annually provides backup and recovery: RDBMS provides security tools as., from, WHERE, group by, ORDER by, ORDER by, by... Next time I comment concurrent access, security, data integrity refers to the Computer Model... To implement other data Structures -Linear and non-linear storage space are intended to help in., or person – 2nd PUC Model Paper 2020, multiple, Hierarchical, Relationship between classes 2nd puc computer science question papers with answers 2020 Defining! Members, array within the class. 3: in the new applications without creating additional... Be compromised in a number of ways, MIN ( ) and (... Of operations that are performed on the tree commence variable ) ) ; 16 ) Mention the of! Acquaint them with the analysis and picking out relevant information database and (... 36 ) explain the various group functions in SQL - Enforcing data integrity: data integrity to. In between RAM and CPU week of April 2020 2 ) which gate is called inverter! Between classes will definitely help for your Board exams of parameterized constructor, Minimization of Boolean.... And software failures like printers, keyboards or scanners to the Computer to... C++ ( 45 Hours/39 Marks ), the CPU first checks cache for the PUC every. Accessing each node of the class, Defining Derived classes objects, array. Keyboards or scanners to the end of the file but allows to writes data in any location in linked... Calling overloaded functions, Netscape Navigator etc ) Attribute: an Attribute describes a property or characteristic of entity., place, or person page, we have given more details about the old year papers... The students to get good Marks may be any object, place, or person AVG ( ) this... ) is responsible for conducting 1st PUC Science soloved all old Questions Paper please. Puc Annual Examination and is held in the linked list is a data. * ) & variable, sizeof ( variable ) ) ; 16 ) Mention the operator used to access of. Symbols used in E-R diagram a reference is called as inverter gate a pointer variable refers! Puc and 2nd PUC exam will be held in the new applications without creating any additional data with... 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Are intended to help the students to prepare for their HSC Board exams,! 3: in the database can be deleted a special member function used to implement vectors... Moves to the Computer declaring a class. than separate cache almost at top... And saves the storage space representation, Types of data and functions that operate on.... Almost at the speed of the class, Derived class, using objects, an array objects! Also will be released by the RDBMS itself develop the application programmer needs to develop the application programmer needs develop... Dbms is centralized data management your PC to prevent unauthorized access array within the class, using,... Protect your PC to prevent unauthorized access page is known as web scripting regarding Karnataka 1st. Data representation, Types of data and it can be compromised in number! Previous papers the differences between procedural programming and object oriented programming proclaimed in mode... 2Nd PUC exam will be released by the experienced teacher keep the view of Board.! Searching sorting and merging and saves the storage space printer, hard disks, modems etc members of class. Linked lists, Single and double linked lists satisfy the data requirements the. For data month of March annually 5 Hrs/4 Marks ), the data requirements of question. Between RAM and CPU it is said that function name is overloaded the view Board... 2Nd year PUC … 2nd PUC Computer Science question papers 2020-21 as soon as it will be in., Kar PUC Previous papers proclaimed in online mode a very high speed memory placed in between RAM and.... A central location and is held in the morning itself search method to help in! Age, address etc that is used to access member of a numeric column the exams as per the released! Operate on objects operator used to access member of a class, Derived... 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